Type of job i am looking for


Well-known member
Well i am gg down the job agency soon, and they will ask me what kind of job i am looking for, well i want jobs that are best for pple with SA but obviously i cant say that to the person so how should i tell them?


Well-known member
I am a self motivated person who prefers to work alone so I can concentrate. I am not comfortable in a large office or a team and I prefer not to be the centre of attention. I am punctual, reliable, hard working and smart. What jobs do you have that would suit me?


Well-known member


Well-known member
Good luck buddy....I'm a postie over in oz which is great for me and my condition but wouldnt recommend it!!!



That is the most repulsive phrase I hear, from thin, mindless recruiters and anyone else in your way. Every day. Every phone call.

"What are you looking FOR??" has no meaning. It's on my CV. What are they 'loooking fooor?' Their spectacles? They need help

I'm looking for a job advertised. I find them. I don't own a company, so I can't build / cast my very own job for myself. I serve others. I bow down, on both knees. I'll do everything they want. I will.

Uhhh... this is what I say to them... when they telly fone me. It's obviously a big part of my downfall. I put a lot of people. Each day, any moment, I'm in a different mood. All you need is luck. The knees moment?


I am a self motivated person who prefers to work alone so I can concentrate. I am not comfortable in a large office or a team and I prefer not to be the centre of attention. I am punctual, reliable, hard working and smart. What jobs do you have that would suit me?


There was a first time that someone (South African boss (bloke))
asked me if I preferred to work alone or within a group / team

This question purely makes me laugh. What's this? It's clear that my function is to please others - NOT to state my own preference. So simple. But the basic logic knocked me sideways! I said group - of course!! With no idea which they'd want or what chance I'd have - would it matter either way? If I asked that very question!!!?

Every move in life is an utter maze, and I'll never know the outcome. A chess game. I can play that game. With people!! But, not with the people who decide my fate


I am a self motivated person who prefers to work alone so I can concentrate. I am not comfortable in a large office or a team and I prefer not to be the centre of attention. I am punctual, reliable, hard working and smart. What jobs do you have that would suit me?

That's exactly what I say too. Determined, eager to please.

Do you ever get this: 'MUST work closely with...'

It's everywhere. What does it mean? They can't do it for themselves. Do they need a kiss of life? Do they need mummy to help? Does 'working closely with' always involve condoms?


Well-known member
When I was younger and had a lot of energy I used to work full time in the day and had evening jobs also. Most of those 2nd jobs were telephone work - taking surveys, etc. I was so comfortable talking on the phone with strangers that the time flew by. That was funny because having the same conversation, face to face, I know I would have frozen.
That is a good job for people like us.


Well-known member
I would be gg for a job interview as a lab technician next week, which is a job below my degree level but i am anxious just thinking about it as i do not know how to answer some questions that may arise during the interview. How do i explain things like:

" why are you unemployed for 8 months?/ what were u doing during this 8 months?" - i did nothing for 8 months, i never even made an effort to find jobs, i cant possibly tell them that right? I cant lie to them i have been job hunting cause they may ask which company i went for interview.

" why do u want this job?/ why do u want a job below your qualifications?" - again theres no way i could tell them i have SA.

and i have no strengths that i could think of so what are some i can make up?


Well-known member
I had personal matters to attend to and during that time I did a re-evaluation of my career and decided I wanted to be in a stressfree work environment where I could be comfortable to remain until retirement.
I know I am completely qualified for this job and it suits my temperment.