Turned 35....ARRRGHHHH


Active member
I recently turned 35 8O . Can't believe it. It seemed fine when I was 34 as I was on the other side (away from 40). But now I am getting ever closer to 40 and achieved stuff all.

I have started thinking more and more about my age. Before when I was in my 20's it didn't seem so bad with time passing because I felt like I wasn't that old and there was still time. Now nearing 40, things are becoming harder. As you get older it's harder to find a life partner because most people of that age are settled down with children already. And of course the older I get the less chance I have of having children. I am not sure that I want children but I don't want the decision to be taken away from me due to lack of opportunity.

I left my job of 8 years about 12 months ago and moved overseas with my mother hoping to make a change but ended up returning to my home country as it was too scary and stressful. I obviously took the easy way out as per usual. Now I am back home and I got a job back at my old company but left after a few months as I hated it. I am now unemployed and living off savings from the sale of my house. I have been out of work for about 4 months and am so confused as to what to do. I am avoiding looking for work as I don't want to get stuck in some crap 9-5 job. Plus going for interviews and the fear of meeting new people in a job and having to try and be 'normal' around them is stressing me out. I want something more. I don't go out much except to the shops with my mother and I have hardly been anywhere other than that, just to the movies where I feel safe. I just have no interest in doing anything. I can't make a decision on what I want or where I should be heading. I feel like I am in limbo. I have no direction and feel like such a loser. And I get so jealous about other people who actually have a life.

I can return overseas and try and do something interesting in an interesting place or stay here and do nothing and see nobody. But then that would be stressful also. I have a couple of friends but I only have contact with them usually by email and occasionally meet up for coffee.

Phew...I just had to get that off my chest. Does anyone else feel like this or have any advice as to where to go from here?
Yea I get really jealous of other people too. I see people and it looks like they have everything and I have nothing. They seem so happy. I've gotten to the point where I hate happy people because I am so jealous of them.

Good luck with everything.


It looks like you need something to inspire you. Have you considered maybe planning a series of day trips? For example to famous museums or galleries or cathederals.

I find I need to spend an entire day in a gallery. I have to get over the feeling that I'm not allowed to be there and that everyone despises me, which takes a few hours.

Otherwise you'll only inspire yourself into further negative thinking. Which is no fun at all. In fact it sucks.

Many of the world's greatest scientists have been late bloomers, some starting in retirement.
21.8% of all Law School applicants are over 30.
More inventions are filed by individuals over 50 than all those under 50 combined!
(I guess that statistic doesn't include those filed by big companies, did you know MS tried to patent the "progress bar"?? It's a prior art and they didn't even invent it. Sheesh.)


Well-known member
<~~~~ just turned 36...... not giving up on the idea of a satisfactory life as of yet.



Well-known member
''Well life begings at 40'' so they say, so you have another 5 years :)

I guess that age is nothing now days, i mean a hundred years ago people only lived to their 40's 50's.


I am thinking the same thing as I turn 30 in August but I still lead the life of a 21 year old, I am thinking more and more of my age and am
constantly wondering to myself,is this it?am I destined to be single,depressed,lonely for the rest of my life?it sucks. :roll:
I am sick, about to be 17 in less than a month and i am scared a.ss hell. WHy because i haven't done anything with my life so i think i that i am almost my parent's age. They are both in the 50s and i seriously can't see a future at all. I know what you guys will say but you are young blahblah but when you are depressed, thats all you see. I am scared of death, i am scared of basicly everything and i am always thinking of my age. I don't feel young AT ALL. I hate being 16 it sucks, i feel so damn old. While the other kids my age are partying, shopping, getting a sidekick, i am at home stuck in a computer 24/7.


Well-known member
Hey you're still young. If you get started on somthing now and go at it for 5 years you can achieve somthing great by 40.


Active member
I just started looking at this site and saw your post. I'm going to be 36 and I can relate so well. I've been having difficulty with my career, hating it but not being able to escape. Having SP/SA makes me feel as if I'm on a treadmill, never getting anywhere. I have old journals from years back, and it's parroting all the same things I'm experiencing today. It wasn't clear if you were getting help. I've tried but always had lousy insurance so it's been hard finding a good therapist.


Well-known member
i'm 20.but i didn't really do a thing that teenager suppose to do like enjoying life.i can't think what'll happen to me 10 or 15 years later.will i still be alone and still the same like me now.sometimes it make me scared.


Well-known member
The ability to live off your savings for a while is a huge opportunity. What sort of work are you truly passionate about? Now is your chance to turn your hobby into your passtime, your job, your life's passion. You are still very young. When you have an engaging and fulfilling job that takes your mind of anxiety this will help you considerably. Remember, procrastination is the biggest enemy of a social phobic. Don't give your mind the time or chance to be introspective.