

Well-known member
So tonight I’m having a few drinks by myself. I’m wondering if other people like to drink on their own, like I don’t have a drinking problem or something I like to drink by myself sometimes because when I’m around others when we are drinking I feel out of place and don’t feel comfortable. At least when I’m at home by myself I can do what I want. Makes me feel good and I don’t have to think about anything other then what I’m doing at the moment. I feel totally relaxed when I drink on my own and when I am with other people drinking I just cant be myself. I turned down a friend tonight who wanted to go to a bar because id rather be by myself. It’s not like I didn’t want to go with him but I didn’t want to arrange transportation and stuff. On top of that I’d just feel out of place.

I’ve gone to night clubs and such before but the entire time I was watching the clock waiting to leave, just wasn’t for me everyone seemed like they were having a good time while I just drank and watched. Maybe someone else knows the way I feel better than I can describe it.


Well-known member
Word man, drunk right now. I do this at least once a week. I feel the exact same as you guys drunk around other people, its way to depressing. Thank god you started this thread haha, thought I was alone on this. All I hear from other people is alchohal reduces anxiety, unless I'm alone it just increases it for me.


Well-known member
I have a drink alone some weekends. I mean I don't get shitfaced, only one or two. It helps to relax a bit, but I don't use it as an escape. Although some people will make a big thing out of drinking alone, I have found that some people.. who are seemingly normal (non-SP) have one or two sometimes.

As for getting shitfaced.. have been a few times , but that was when I was out. Now those times its partly to escape SP and 'losen up' and also because of people are encouraging you to drink and of course its something to do. Its funny the act of drinking (ie putting something in my mouth) is almost soothing.. it distracts me from the fact that I am not contributing to the conversation etc.

In those times I do 'losen up' but then again its not really me. Besides the consequences of getting drunk are too severe... hangovers and more importantly embarrassment from things you have done during the night.



New member
I totally understand it, man. I go out sometimes with my friends, but luckily we tend to go to the dark "bars" and never to places like nightclubs or hotspots. I prefer the dark places. Plus, I listen to metal (not really pop rock) and industrial stuff, and the jukeboxes are usually better in bars than in clubs where they're trying to get people out on the dancefloor and whatever. I hate those places :)


Well-known member
I'm not a big drinker, i'll just have one beer o'r something with my meal. I feel that drinking solves the problem in the short run, but as soon as the effect wears away anxiety will be worse.


Well-known member
I often drink alone. I would prefer to be out drinking at a bar with friends, but I don't have any friends at the moment - so it's not an option. I am not a big bar person, though I do enjoy going out to see some bands once in awhile. I just don't feel safe going alone. I worry that I will drink too much or something dangerous will happen.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having a drink or two alone. If one can do it. But, I often get carried away. I am kind of an extreme person. I will either not drink at all OR go all out. It's hard for me to only get away with one or two drinks. I have gotten better with being able to drink alone, but in the past, I would sometimes try and go out after a few drinks - which I don't do anymore.

So, if it's controlled, I don't see a problem.


getting shitfaced alone can have plenty of problems. Not terribly common, I'm sure, but couldn't you get a little too tipsy on your night alone and have a hard fall, knocking you unconscious, with nobody around to help. Then you wake up and a pool of vomit and you own blood...

Just smoke weed and save your livers people!



Well-known member
Not that keen on over drinking. It makes me feel out of control, then ill! I enjoy a glass of wine with a meal here and there but never drink to get drunk. I can't find anything pleasant about it.


Well-known member
I drink alone... at least once a week.. I don't get drunk really, maybe 1 or 2 beers? Sometimes 3.. Depends really. :p

I also drink with some friends too though. I kinda just let go when I have drinks.. I feel less anxious.. Except the next day, I get anxiety, sometimes.


Well-known member
I have a question for those of you who "loose" their anxiety when they drink. Do you not feel anxious and can talk like everyone else? Or do you just not feel anxious and still cannot speak. Whenever i drink i loose all feelings of anxiety and i just don't care but i still say very little, or even less then when I'm sober. Is that weird?


New member
4seasons said:
I have a question for those of you who "loose" their anxiety when they drink. Do you not feel anxious and can talk like everyone else? Or do you just not feel anxious and still cannot speak. Whenever i drink i loose all feelings of anxiety and i just don't care but i still say very little, or even less then when I'm sober. Is that weird?

it's "lose". capitalise your i's when you're talking about yourself.


love grammar police


Well-known member
jake_and_emma said:
4seasons said:
I have a question for those of you who "loose" their anxiety when they drink. Do you not feel anxious and can talk like everyone else? Or do you just not feel anxious and still cannot speak. Whenever i drink i loose all feelings of anxiety and i just don't care but i still say very little, or even less then when I'm sober. Is that weird?

it's "lose". capitalise your i's when you're talking about yourself.


love grammar police
Haha fuck you. Have fun hiding behind that computer screen.


Well-known member
Umm yea. When I drink I just lose my fear of having nothing to say.. And then I end up just saying random things, or being more aloof and involved in games and such, where I don't have to have any deep conversations.


Active member
I pretty much never drink any more but yeah alcohol does calm me down completely to the point of doing even more totally retarded stuff.....nothing like a bit of weed too but then your pretty much a zombie....a happy one though :D

Music is f**king great when wasted lol.....and while playing pool......yeahhhhhhh

Urm but yeah don't do drugs......wait.....why not again?


Well-known member
Generic said:
I pretty much never drink any more but yeah alcohol does calm me down completely to the point of doing even more totally retarded stuff.....nothing like a bit of weed too but then your pretty much a zombie....a happy one though :D

Music is f**king great when wasted lol.....and while playing pool......yeahhhhhhh

Urm but yeah don't do drugs......wait.....why not again?

Because there bad for you jamie!!! Thats why! lol. i hope i spelled your name right...

but one of these days i got to try drinking. maybe by myself first, just to see how i react to it. But I dont know, im still not comfortable around people who drink and stuff. Its just the way I grew up I guess.


Well-known member
Ultimately we all know the harm of alcohol abuse. I do. However I still love to have a beer or two or many. It's a simple case of weighing up the benefits vesus the negatives for each individual. Lets consider the whole picture before we make our decisions.


Well-known member
4seasons said:
I have a question for those of you who "loose" their anxiety when they drink. Do you not feel anxious and can talk like everyone else? Or do you just not feel anxious and still cannot speak. Whenever i drink i loose all feelings of anxiety and i just don't care but i still say very little, or even less then when I'm sober. Is that weird?

lol just realised this never got answered properly, thinking about it it's not really easier to talk to people when i'm drunk, i still have nothing to say but i guess just the external symptoms go.....i don't think i would blush when drunk, which was my main thing really. I remember once being dared to have a mouthful of bbq sauce or something (nothing special i know) but they were outside waiting at the window looking inside and i spent like 2 minutes preparing myself before i went into the i turned around like 3 times, and this was when i was pretty far gone too. I'm never usually that bad but i guess it was because all attention was on me.

SleepingBeauty said:
Because there bad for you jamie!!! Thats why! lol. i hope i spelled your name right...

but one of these days i got to try drinking. maybe by myself first, just to see how i react to it. But I dont know, im still not comfortable around people who drink and stuff. Its just the way I grew up I guess.

lol, yeah you got it right. And yeh you got quite a good reason not to drink, it's not like it's a required thing though :p but there is a reason why it's the most used social drug, it can be damn fun.......within limits i guess.