Tomorrow is my birthday....

going to turn 21....still seems like I just have finished high school yesterday.I have nobody to celebrate it with tomorrow.Nobody knows it is my birthday tomorrow except myself.I am getting older and older everyday and wasting my life away day by day. Haven't accomplished much of anything.

Recently graduated from college and got a diploma.Everyone had gotten a job from it except for me.I am just too shy and unconfident about myself when applying and doing interviews.I am still working at a dead end minimum wage job.
I have no motivation to do anything because i have nobody around to show my worth.It seems like nobody understands me.It seems like I don't fit in this world,I never ever found anyone that i liked enough to be my friend. Everyone seems to be selfish and always like to take advantage of my kindness and exploit it.

these are just a cluster of thoughts that i want to let it out instead of storing it in my brain.I have nobody that i trust enough to talk about it.
I am very self conscious and I am sensitive to any criticism about myself.

I can't see myself ever having friends.I hate being around with people yet i hate to be lonely.I am scared that one day,I will have no connections with anyone and just walking life alone by myself...

I don't want to grow old and have nobody around me...but I can't see myself the other way around....I wanna cry


Well-known member
When my birthday came around this year I was a miserable man. It made me think of how little I had achieved from the previous birthday. Maybe once it passes you will be happier again, and you can start thinking about what you want to do, even if the steps are small.

Happy birthday.


i was the same way at my birthday but now my world has changed anti-clock wise..i regret not celebrating mine...
i didnt even buy new clothes...:(

dnt let go ur special day..your alone no problem..celebrates with ur own self...hit a party..yell like a stupid...
Dance like michael jackson ..sing in under a chocolates/chillies..whatever u like for urself..
just dnt waste it...

and God bless u... Happy Birthday to u:)


Well-known member


Well-known member
happy birthday!!!

wow, i only graduated highshool when i was 21 lol, but then i dropped out and went back again.

Good things will come :).


Well-known member
happy birthday!:) i wish you to have the strength to be able to change things. and you have a college degree, thats great. I'm in a very similar situation to you. my birthday is very soon, and i think: " what have i done the last 2/3 years?" nothing.


Well-known member

I understand, my B-days are not important either. I agree with what Mikey said.

I still wish you a happy 21st.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Birthdays can be kinda strange. They bring about all these feelings. I get extra sensitive on my birthday. It is a good thing it is just one day and it passes by quickly. Happy birthday to you anyway! Don't be too down on yourself; you have accomplished stuff. Take small steps like Mikey suggested. They do add up. Good luck!


New member
Birthdays have never been exciting for me either because I never had any friends to celebrate with. And I keep wondering if my birthdays are going to be like this for the rest of my life. I can only hope that things will get better.

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
You should do something fun for your birthday no matter if people are around you are not.

I deal with the same issues buddy so you are not alone. I feel that nobody has given me any worth to do well. I finished university at 26 and stayed with the same job I had while in school 2 years afterwards.