To drink or not to drink...


Well-known member
...I usually have strong beliefs about most things, but drinking I'm not so sure about. I started out thinking that I'll never drink. My reasoning was that I felt there was no point. I didn't like the fact that I would be relying on alcohol to boost my confidence for a few hours. I'd much rather have the confidence within me already.

However, I know I won't be able to talk to people at parties while sober...Guys in particular. Or, if I am able to, I'll just make a fool out of myself and be embarassed. I probably wouldn't even have the guts or desire to go to a party while sober.

So, do you drink to get a confidence boost? Does it help? Does it hinder you? I always wonder about what someone with SA would do if they meet a person while drinking at a party when they exude confidence and then have to talk to them the next day when they're self conscious again.

What are your thoughts?


Well-known member
Myself I don't drink

Maybe it would be good to take the edge off, but for me I am so afraid of what I would do or say with it in me - also I find it fun to tell people I'm Irish and don't drink if anything its one way I can start a conversation!


Well-known member
there are millions of people that are not sa who drink just to make them more relaxed at partys ect , as long as you dont rely on it all the time .


Well-known member
I've got no problem with people drinking and no strong opinions on it, but for me I would feel uneasy about drinking. I think the risk of alcohol to someone like me isn't worth the risk. What scares me about it is that I might find it helps me socially and reduces the anxiety, I might then start abusing it and become reliant on alcohol to function.


Super Moderator
No, it won't help. You should try to gain more confidence by yourself and not with the "help" of any substance. Under its effects you aren't being yourself, you're just a puppet controlled by it.
you may become confident when you drink alcohol but it's also easier to make a fool of yourself. or maybe that's just me, hah. anyho i guess it all depends on how much you drink of course.


If its used responsibly then yah drinking can help you I guess. I personally dont drink at all just because it makes me feel sick, makes my heart palpitate, and the thought that I couldnt take my anti-anxiety meds if I had a panic attack throws me off it too.

In the end its really not worth it. But if it helps you feel normal for a bit.....then yah if done responsibly Id do it too. Feeling normal is nice lol


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
As long as you keep it to just a few drinks, just enough to take the edge off, it can be useful in loosening you up under the right circumstances. If you're having a good time with it, it can be remarkably easy to overdo it.

It doesn't cure my SA in any event. On the bright side, it's not nearly as addictive as something like benzos.


Well-known member
At a party it's not that bad. I went to a party recently and drinking a little made me more comfortable in the social situation and I didn't go overboard and embarrass myself. As for other occasions, just try not to become an alcoholic who is dependent on it just to get through the day.


Well-known member
I find its best to just have a few beers or mixed drinks. I dont drink liquor anymore cause it takes me from 0-10 too quickly.

I actually used alcohol to treat my SA for quite awhile. It worked for a bit and helped my graduate college (able to give speeches after drinking) but I wouldnt recommend it. I ended up getting in quite a bit of trouble cause of drinking.

Just remember that the high it gives you is fake and once you wake up and your sober, your worse off. I prefer to have a toke over a beer anyday... Alcohol can really get rough on your body if you do it everyday for awhile.


Well-known member
Thanks for your answers guys. :) I think my best bet is to get used to talking to people without having to take any substances


the key to "To drink or not to drink" is in moderation and control.

if you cant control it dont drink, thats my 2 cents worth.


Well-known member
i've never drank in my life don't really see the point all students in college and irish people in general seem to want do is drink until they can't walk and are puking everywhere and there is really no such thing as a few drinks to losen up anymore people just seem to go out to go completely off their head, that saying i don't have problem with drink. it as much it scares me thinking of how i will act really, its the culture of binge drinking that i don't like


Active member
I think it depends. For some people with SA it might make them even more vulnerable and easier to take advantage of. Especially if they drink too much because of nervousness or pressure from others.