Some professionals argue that releasing anger in safe ways (boxing, screaming etc) might not help to control the anger at all.
SOURCE: The Psychology of Releasing Anger |
I understand your anger, I'm very silent and pretty calm person myself but if I get stressed enough I start to lash out. It's just human nature, we aren't machines, sometimes you just can't take it.
You shouldn't stay in unhappy relationship. My parents didn't love each others and when they broke up, it was a huge relief. Kids can sense the tension and lack of love and warmth. IMO it's not true that you should stay together for kids.
I think therapy might help, but most of all, you need to get rid of the factors in your life that cause the stress and frustration.
As for beating those thugs, no big deal. Really, they had it coming. And it's okay to feel good for winning a fight but of course it shouldn't become a habit. Meditation and reading some zen crap has helped me sometimes, it's important to take a moment and try to think things from other person's point of view.
Good luck! You seem like a nice guy, I'm sure you can solve these issues
"Brad Bushman, who studies catharsis and anger at Iowa State University, has found that “[e]xpressing your anger, even against inanimate objects, doesn’t make you less angry at all.
In laboratory experiments, whacking a punching bag or attacking a pillow actually seems to increase anger, not tame it. It’s been tested several times, and there’s virtually no scientific evidence to support catharsis.”
SOURCE: The Psychology of Releasing Anger |
I understand your anger, I'm very silent and pretty calm person myself but if I get stressed enough I start to lash out. It's just human nature, we aren't machines, sometimes you just can't take it.
You shouldn't stay in unhappy relationship. My parents didn't love each others and when they broke up, it was a huge relief. Kids can sense the tension and lack of love and warmth. IMO it's not true that you should stay together for kids.
I think therapy might help, but most of all, you need to get rid of the factors in your life that cause the stress and frustration.
As for beating those thugs, no big deal. Really, they had it coming. And it's okay to feel good for winning a fight but of course it shouldn't become a habit. Meditation and reading some zen crap has helped me sometimes, it's important to take a moment and try to think things from other person's point of view.
Good luck! You seem like a nice guy, I'm sure you can solve these issues