this sucks! i never had a girl in my whole life!


Well-known member
this has been pissing me off for a long time now. im 19 years old and never had a girlfriend because of SA. i have HH on top of that which makes it even worse. it seems like im the only one that doesnt know what its like to even go on a damn date. shit i dont even have any friends that are girls.anyone else been single their whole life? can anyone relate at all?


Well-known member
I can relate...I'm also 19...and never had a gf my entire life. I don't even think I've as much as hugged a girl in my life (excluding family...they don't really count). As you really pisses me off as well.


Well-known member
relax dudes it'll get better. You're still young. I was 20 when I had my first date/gf. Some of us guys are just late blossomers..


Well-known member
Its not a matter of being a late bloomer. I haven't had a friend in four years and I haven't even had a conversation with a female in many many years. It all feels so hopeless!


Well-known member
I'm 17 and I've had one boyfriend, but I seriously think I'll never have another one. It doesn't really matter to me. IMO, if I can't be happy on my own, I won't be happy with someone else either.
"And thou who thinkest to seek for Me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the Mystery: that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am That which is attained at the end of Desire."

...But I'm just babbling.


Well-known member
Remus said:
Whats HH?

My uneducated guess would be Hyper Hydrosis aka excessive sweating.

Btw, i'm 19 and never dated a girl - never really hugged one or anything either. Certainly want to though hehe :p


Well-known member
its hard to interact and communicate with people in general but making the first step into love and romance, g/f & b/f's is just a brick wall.
you dont know how to go about it so you read up on it and it all seems stupid. the best way to go about it is friendship but even that is hard for us
i find it hard to talk to girls because i feel ashamed about my personality cos i dont even have 1! or do i?
i see myself as a boring depressing male living to die

i dont know relationships seem a wierd thing to me with having SP looking back at my previous relationship it was pretty much 1 way as i kinda held my partner down not being able to go out with her and her mates, not being able to go into town on the bus, not meeting her family i found it all intimidating and felt a lot of pressure was on me, i also felt like i was selfish but i was restricted to doing certain things.
feeling secure was the best thing i experienced

now im not in a relationship its pretty depressing i feel like a loner but all the pressure has gone and i feel much better for freeing my partner so to speak! (she was chained to the toilet) lol j/k but you get me


First Girlfriend at 30 y/old. we only last 3 months we broke up because I couldnt fit in her social world, I am 33 and still no GF... sad isnt it?


Well-known member
I never had a guy or girl in my entire life either. I'm 17, never had a date, never had a kiss, and I've never had a real friend.


Well-known member
i think there is something honourable about waiting for the right time, the right circumstance, the right girl....most women would appreciate that :)
I'm 31 and I've never had a girlfriend.

This of course is a very torturous existance. The one tip i would give younger men, is you have to be brave, you have to go after the girl you fancy and tell her how you feel. This is easier said than done, but unless you are good looking, they won't go for you, they will never initiate. So do something now, or you will end up alone all your life.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.


Active member
don't worry about it, if you try not to think about it you wont feel so bad about it. many people are in the same situation and you never know one day a girl might approach you. oh and if your HH is causing problems theres something called driclor, you can buy it online just google it.


Well-known member
Never had a girl either. It seems girls want too much out of guys, I mean yea, I have a bit to offer, but they seem to want weight lifters or athletes with big cars and nice hats. Dunno maybe its just me, I stopped going for average girls, Ive even tried homeless drifter girls(not for sex, I hate sex).