Bullied Anonymous
Well-known member
Kissed by a tootheless old man or sneezed on by a big woman trying to scarf down a big mac
Kissed by a tootheless old man or sneezed on by a big woman trying to scarf down a big mac
haha, you're a sick puppy! (meant in a nice way!)
Feel alive for one minute OR comfortable for a week ?
Right, I always wanted to know....
What are Tatter-tots????
I'm guessing some sort of chip? Completely foreign to us Irishmen![]()
Holy crap, you haven't heard of tatter-tots
There tiny cylinder shaped potatoes fried in greasy goodness!
You must experience that joy!
We have to get them to you!lol!
I love Napolean Dynamite! you've seen it?
Right, to continue the game...
Potato croquettes or Tater-tots (or whatever they're called)
Ahh, right. Well at least i know what it means now. I hear it daily on US tv shows but never had a clue what they were.
So they're sort of like potato-croquettes to an extent? Only croquettes are covered in bread-crumbs? As opposed to fried?
Anyway, thanks for the heads-up, I could do with a lesson in american food. I was going to ask what the hell milk-duds are next, but I'm delaying the game....
PS- Yeah Napolean Dynamite is my sister's favourite movie. Didn't do much for me though to be honest...
Nightmares or paper cuts?
Thanks guys! (those things look awful by the way!)
Squirrels or Racoons ?
cool a combination of football and soccer. (luv the accents)
Dare I ask what hurling is other than the actual definition.