This is sick


Well-known member
Wow, that's good to know that your private pictures and information can be given to practically anyone in authority. It is the stuff of George Orwells' 1984 and sadly its becoming more and more a reality.


Well-known member
Not really... You don't have to have a facebook or have any info online if you're that bothered. And it was an insurance firm, not the police. If an insurance firm does something retarded like this then people can choose not to use them. Haha I sound like a dick in this post :)


Well-known member
Facebook is completely voluntary, you use it at your own risk. It's not news that social networks don't always respect your privacy.

The conclusion the insurance company reached, however, is largely unjustified.


Well-known member
Facebook is becoming more and more essential for not only social networking, but important for career and business networking. I go to work and co-workers exchange facebook profiles above all other contact info. It's easy to say to just stop using facebook..but in reality, it's a little more complicated than that when they have the essential monopoly now.


Well-known member
i have erased my face book account weeks ago , some people on there tell the world there evrey move , even takin a dump lol :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Facebook is becoming more and more essential for not only social networking, but important for career and business networking. I go to work and co-workers exchange facebook profiles above all other contact info. It's easy to say to just stop using facebook..but in reality, it's a little more complicated than that when they have the essential monopoly now.

Convenient is still voluntary.


Well-known member
Convenient is still voluntary.

Cell phones are voluntary. I guess that doesn't matter then if other people listen on your personal conversations because you just stop using cell phones? Emails are voluntary, so then it doesn't matter to you if other people read your emails? Sadly, It's that type of thinking that gets people to advocate their own loss of civil liberties and rights.


Well-known member
I guess that doesn't matter then if other people listen on your personal conversations because you just stop using cell phones?

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, I'd like to clarify that before I respond to the rest.


Super Moderator
Why the heck would someone spy on anyone's account like that? Isn't that illegal?. Plus, being depressed doesn't mean you can't smile in a photo and you must be suicidal and sad 24/7 with no possibilities of cheering up a little, right?... I don't know, I might be talking crap... but this smells like corruption.


Well-known member
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, I'd like to clarify that before I respond to the rest.

Oh I mean, saying that its okay because you just stop using facebook is like saying that its okay that other people can listen in on your cell phone converstations. They are both technically voluntary activities. But it still doesn't make it right. People should be outraged. If its the campanies fault, we should switch to alternative sites or anything until the companies realize they can't play with our personal privacy. If its government interference, we need to elect the right people. Unfortunatly we have become apathetic to it all and we seem to care more about who's going to win american idol than about our own civil liberties.
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Well-known member
Why the heck would someone spy on anyone's account like that? Isn't that illegal?. Plus, being depressed doesn't mean you can't smile in a photo and you must be suicidal and sad 24/7 with no possibilities of cheering up a little, right?... I don't know, I might be talking crap... but this smells like corruption.

I don't think it's illegal. You know when you sign up an account for a website and there are those Terms & Conditions and privacy statements? the big walls of text that we all ignore and click the "I Agree" box? Well basically the wall of text says that they can do what they want lol.


Well-known member
Oh I mean, saying that its okay because you just stop using facebook is like saying that its okay that other people can listen in on your cell phone converstations. They are both technically voluntary activities. But it still doesn't make it right. People should be outraged. If its the campanies fault, we should switch to alternative sites or anything until the companies realize they can't play with our personal privacy. If its government interference, we need to elect the right people. Unfortunatly we have become apathetic to it all and we seem to care more about who's going to win american idol than about our own civil liberties.

Yeah, I agree with that, but my point is that most people have heard of snooping activity on social networking sites. This stuff happens and has to be taken into account when one creates an account. It's voluntary consent to a small risk, not unlike a surgery consent form or what have you.

They are both technically voluntary activities. But it still doesn't make it right. People should be outraged. If its the campanies fault, we should switch to alternative sites or anything until the companies realize they can't play with our personal privacy.

I'm all for it, the only problem is that this isn't happening to enough people for everyone else to care much.

If its government interference, we need to elect the right people.

I think this oversimplifies the situation as it's often the lesser of two evils that has be chosen.

Unfortunatly we have become apathetic to it all and we seem to care more about who's going to win american idol than about our own civil liberties.

Which probably gives clues as to why I don't have any friends in real life :)


Super Moderator
Ick... I guess we will have to read those things before joining any site then, even if it's annoying as hell >.>