That's a good idea, mate. Make sure you have lots to cook, so you're there for a while, so you'll have something to do if someone comes to chat with you (which is likely).Family and extended family will be there all day, I'll be tending the bbq and avoiding most of them all day.
Hmm, this looks suspiciously like a journal.
That's a good idea, mate. Make sure you have lots to cook, so you're there for a while, so you'll have something to do if someone comes to chat with you (which is likely).
I look forward to reading more entries in this journal-that's-totally-not-a-journal. :reading:
You're welcome. I'm going great, but this thread is about you!Your reply made me laugh. I genuinely needed that Mikey! How's life down-under?
Excellent. Sounds like that might take you all day and you'll have no time to talk.I've got a whole pig to cook btw haha
I'm sure the photo isn't as bad as you think.
I got too hot mowing earlier and I can't seem to get my head to cool off for some reason. I'm hydrated and I'm not running a fever but my my head is really hot and I have a headache on top of that. It's not a sun burn... I'm puzzled.:question: