This girl can do everything in public. O_o


I was in a clinic like 8 months ago, i stayed there with other people,
But there was a girl, who could do everything in public.
She burped at the dinner table while we were eating. ( lol )
(I would never do that with strangers, or people out of the family)
She was always singing on her bike, and when we were outside she was always sitting on a chair singing country songs lol..
She has ''Shizophrenia'', I'm just wondering, but do these people never think of what they do? She does so many things I would never do.
Also she always talks to strangers on the bus, train, street.. always
But sometimes I wish I could be more like her, but her situation is really bad though. She drinks, smokes weed, never listens what people say.. She always talks about her own stuff, when I told anything about myself she just never reacts on it.. And once we were writing letters, and she wrote that she had to .... do something sexual with her self. Now that is Crazy :eek:
No i'm not judging her don't worry.
I just think it's really crazy to say that.
But how can people be so different, like we are worrying about everything what we do, and they don't even think what they do.
Do they even know themselfes?
I'm sorry for my weird post lol..
What do you think?


Well-known member
I think it would rock to be her, not a care in the world of what others think. I mean you just get one life, she's living it the right way, no worries, happy.


Well-known member
I don't think it has to do with schizophrenia specifically, but maybe such excessive drug use, being told that you're "crazy" and thereby exhibiting "crazy" behaviors, or simply having an uninhibited personality may contribute...

Some people with schizophrenia can be so remarkably sensitive that they become recluses, unable to deal with the constant stimulation of human contact... often what we perceive as reactivity to hallucinations is actually self-talk, along the lines of what people with SA do; being ever so sensitive, they may find themselves retracing conversations again and again later in the day.

Their experience is that of a person who is super sensitive, everything enhanced. Each emotion, visual cue, sound and tactile sensation has a profound impact and connoted meaning


Well-known member
Or she could just be displaying the negative symptoms of schizophrenia with inappropriate affect.
lol Just as long as she doesn't do anything sexual with herself in public.
lol .. i dont think she will do that

Maybe she just really doesn't care what others think. A person doesn't have to be schizophrenic to not care. Of course, if the doctors say she's schizophrenic then she probably is.
Okay I thought it was a sympton of Shizophrenia, that she just doesn't think of peoples reaction.
But yeah , many people are like that indeed, not all of them have that .

One of my closest friends burps, farts in public, goes out in her hair rollers, pretends to limp after she parks in a handicap spot (that is if all others spots are taken and there are a considerable amount of free handicap parking spots). Talks about all sorts of "inappropriate" things and even jumped out at me a**-naked once. We were indoors, btw. lol She once showed me how she booty dances while were outside of the mall. She has no problem yelling at people in public if they say or do something not-so-nice to her or people around her. She has even fought a girl for talking trash about me. She's completely healthy. I can assure you of this and I love her to death! This crazy woman has done me a lot of good.
Haha you have a cool friend Serafina, I can understand that she done you lots of good, that's really good for us to see that way, especially for people with SA.

I think it would rock to be her, not a care in the world of what others think. I mean you just get one life, she's living it the right way, no worries, happy.
Yeah that would be awesum, Just rock on and chillin' everywhere :cool:
Maybe we feel that way too someday :D


Super Moderator
Maybe she truly doesn't give a crap about anyone and is very confident. Some people are not schizo and they might do stuff like that.


Well-known member
Maybe she truly doesn't give a crap about anyone and is very confident. Some people are not schizo and they might do stuff like that.

Absolutely <3

It upsets me how any behavior done by a person with a kind of so-called "mental illness" is attributed to the illness. The person can no longer have personality quirks, interests, feelings or lives apart from (all so-called) "schizophrenia" or "ADHD" or "social phobia" or whatever...

They're no longer people, they're "schizophrenic" and everything about them that doesn't jive well with our way of thinking, makes us uncomfortable, is attributed to that disorder... solidifying the label and separating us from them, further removing them from the love and connectivity that they need. Few people are able to treat these "defective" labeled people as three-dimensional human beings
lol Just as long as she doesn't do anything sexual with herself in public. Maybe she just really doesn't care what others think. A person doesn't have to be schizophrenic to not care. Of course, if the doctors say she's schizophrenic then she probably is.

One of my closest friends burps, farts in public, goes out in her hair rollers, pretends to limp after she parks in a handicap spot (that is if all others spots are taken and there are a considerable amount of free handicap parking spots). Talks about all sorts of "inappropriate" things and even jumped out at me a**-naked once. We were indoors, btw. lol She once showed me how she booty dances while were outside of the mall. She has no problem yelling at people in public if they say or do something not-so-nice to her or people around her. She has even fought a girl for talking trash about me. She's completely healthy. I can assure you of this and I love her to death! This crazy woman has done me a lot of good.
I am going to be completely politically incorrect here but your friends sound like a sista.

Oh no he didhn!!!! :D


Well-known member
Absolutely <3

It upsets me how any behavior done by a person with a kind of so-called "mental illness" is attributed to the illness. The person can no longer have personality quirks, interests, feelings or lives apart from (all so-called) "schizophrenia" or "ADHD" or "social phobia" or whatever...

They're no longer people, they're "schizophrenic" and everything about them that doesn't jive well with our way of thinking, makes us uncomfortable, is attributed to that disorder... solidifying the label and separating us from them, further removing them from the love and connectivity that they need. Few people are able to treat these "defective" labeled people as three-dimensional human beings

There are several core principles to have a trait diagnosed as a disorder. Deviance is only one of them. Of course, they aren't full-proof and it's a subjective system, but what would you instate instead?
Absolutely <3

It upsets me how any behavior done by a person with a kind of so-called "mental illness" is attributed to the illness. The person can no longer have personality quirks, interests, feelings or lives apart from (all so-called) "schizophrenia" or "ADHD" or "social phobia" or whatever...

They're no longer people, they're "schizophrenic" and everything about them that doesn't jive well with our way of thinking, makes us uncomfortable, is attributed to that disorder... solidifying the label and separating us from them, further removing them from the love and connectivity that they need. Few people are able to treat these "defective" labeled people as three-dimensional human beings

I'm sorry, I'm not saying that her personality is all based on her shizophrenic disorder but I just thought it's a sympton of it. Like not caring and just do stuff without thinking. I'm not labeling anyone, I'm just curius how people can get so confident around people, because I'm totally not.
I just never knew the answer to this, Maybe there aren't words for it.
But nobody ever explained me how to feel un-self-concious around people.
That's what should really help me. Because I am self - concious to every step I take.
And I absolutely don't want to label anyone. That's why I felt really anxious posting.


Super Moderator
I'm sorry, I'm not saying that her personality is all based on her shizophrenic disorder but I just thought it's a sympton of it. Like not caring and just do stuff without thinking. I'm not labeling anyone, I'm just curius how people can get so confident around people, because I'm totally not.
I just never knew the answer to this, Maybe there aren't words for it.
But nobody ever explained me how to feel un-self-concious around people.
That's what should really help me. Because I am self - concious to every step I take.
And I absolutely don't want to label anyone. That's why I felt really anxious posting.

The comment was probably generally speaking, because there's a lot of people who do that, sadly :c

Now, about this girl... It's probably her personality like that, not exactly a symptom or anything. A lot of other people might behave that way and they don't have any illness, they are just very confident. I wonder too how they are able to do all of those things and not care, I'd never be able to do anything like that, I'd be embarrassed to death (and such behavior doesn't suit me either)


Well-known member
That's the secret: not giving a damn. Not giving a damn about anything, except yourself, your improvement, your health, your interests, your happiness. We should all go out in the street and burp, fart, and shout "I am proud of my burps and farts, because they are natural and artistic". That's how you start overcoming social anxiety. If you think people one day will suddenly stop judging you, YOU ARE WRONG. There will always be someone who judges everything you do, and most people will always judge something about you anyway. So start not giving a sh!t. Start now. Focus on yourself. I tried it, and it works. I hope I'll go on like this.
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