Theatre (scared)


Well-known member
Hey guys! I'm writing this thread about something I've been quite hesitant over the last few days. I've always liked theatre, and have wanted to perform in a play, even if it may sound contradictory because of my SA. I have looked for theatre clubs and workshops, but first, they are so expensive, and then, people there would be sooo sociable and such extroverts... So that's why I haven't joined anyone of them.

Now, near my town, there is always a popular and amateur traditional play on Christmas. I guess I could join if they had any free roles, which is quite likely, and besides, I am quite familiar with the text because I've seen the play almost every year of my life since I was like 3. Actually, my parents used to force me to have a small part in the play when I was a kid (how much I used to hate that!!:mad:), but now I really feel like performing. The problem is, what will people think if I suddenly appear today at the meeting, after so many years of absence? Wouldn't it be quite unpolite? What if I am unwelcome? And apart from that, if I perform in the play, I will have to have dinner with the other actors after every performance, which I don't really look forward to... ::(: I'm so nervous because the first meeting is tonight. I have promised to myself that I will go, but what I dread are the plays, and I'm afraid that maybe I'll regret it in the future ::(: So, just tell me, what would you do if you were me?

Thanks for reading and understanding, really:)


I love theatre play. But, i have never gone to see 1 myself and it's so expensive.... some more can't find a soul to go with. Usually people who watch theatre is very out-going and well educated... how to be friend with those people lol? Seriously, i'm not stalking you... just the topic hit my soft spot haha
If theatre is your talent, believe in it! A lot of extravert people seem very cheerful, especially if they have got the same passion like you ;) so they would be nice to you and they might could work on your choreography, so you can work like this in real life too... So you can act.. that you are confident... SA poker face... Lol :cool: and those extravert ppl can drag you through it you know? Good people will carry you on. eventually you will learn to be yourself and feel comfortable anywhere! :D

You know, dinners, parties, meetings, college, everything...
I always feel terrrrrified of going there, I'm like dreading to go....
The meeting will be terrifying me and make me worry hundred of times..
But when I am there for a while.. The feeling will low a little bit..
Still I am more nervous than the rest... But it's me.. That's a part of me..
Well, it's not me.. It's the SA.. So that also means I cannot help it..
It's not the fact that I want to be like this... YOu haven't ask for it hun..
Oh and also, mostly if people start to have a nice convo with you
you will feel well around them, you won't be as much anxious anymore
if things go right and you will feel released that you have gone there..
You will feel so happy that you just been to the situation,
faced it and all.. proudly to be done!

If you don't make friends tonight, don't blame yourself....
It's not like you have to make friends right away..
You already do a good thing by showing yourself out there
and say just 'Hi' and introduce yourself if you got the chance
(if they are polite people they would sure ask you to tell something)
and you can also tell why you like theatre so much..
I mean I'm interested in your lifestyle, you have been there since your 3th year or so?
Doesn't that mean you are very passionate about theatre?

Isn't that a good sign to those people that you are very ambitious about this?
Maybe you can even help them out cuz you know a lot about theatre
and maybe you can also tell them about the shows you've seen
and you can always ask them to practice together after lessons
it will help you to build the network and have a good time after
and gain trust in those people so you won't be as nervous anymore...

I hope this helps, have a great time and i know it is still a cage full of lions and big bears, but once you'll see they are just cute teddy bears
and might some be still jelly fishes acting bichy, don't let them bother you
it's your passion and your life, and you pick the right people to be friends with
and most important is you having fun... doing what you like!

Good luck!!!!!;)
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just go ahead. nothing to lose except adding another event in your life... it may turn out just great or just the opposite. if it's really bad... you still have friends to cheer you up in SPW. Don't worry... just do it. LIke NIKE always said... Peace!


Well-known member
Amy, GO FOR IT!!! :)

I really LOVED doing some theatre stuff in the past!! :) (Kinda miss it now!! :))

There are all kinds of people in theatre... Some may be more outgoing, or that can be a 'mask' they're showing to outsiders... When you get to know them better, you can see they can be 'deep' and thoughtful too.. I've read that best actors are actually a mix of introvert/extrovert - because you need to be introvert enough to know and feel your own emotions, so you can use this in acting (and you just need to be extrovert enough to get there and show up!! :))

I'm thinking a Christmas play would be really great, probably people who take part there aren't your 'conventional' ego-driven theatre people, but 'deeper' and more thoughtful kinda...

And dinner with others could actually be fun, you could talk about the play or other things, get to know them better...

I think they won't question why you haven't joined before, for all they know you were busy with interesting/exciting fun stuff - you could just say vaguely you were 'busy with things' or something like that if anyone would ask? Or even add... 'but I missed you guys so much' or something like that, and they'll be flattered and happy you remembered them!!

I was really nervous before joining a local literature club last year too, but it was really nice people and very welcoming and happy that new people came!! (It's mostly older people and they're REALLY happy to see younger people join too!!)

I'd think the only way anyone 'might' be unwelcome would be if you would be determined to get any roles that other people would want. (eg 'leading roles' or popular roles... or maybe even those with/without much lines, dunno what your group is like? lol) So if you just show up and are unassuming, and friendly, not too particular about which roles you'd play or not, willing to fill any roles that might not be filled yet, or even help out as an 'extra set of hands' eg with the set etc. they'll be DELIGHTED to have you!!


Well-known member
Thanks for all your advice, guys!!! I'll just go today and see what happens (all in all, going there today doesn't even mean I get a role), and tomorrow I'll tell you about it :)