The Organ of Love

So, I've always wondered. Something that I probably could have just Google'd and be done with, but I figured this would be a little bit more interesting and personal. ;)

Why is it that we as human beings choose the heart to symbolize love and affection? I mean, have you ever seen a heart? It's a rather nasty sight.. Well, is debatable of course.

But anyway, what do you think/know as to why something a functional a thing as the heart was linked to something as delicate and emotional as love?


here, and I thought this was gonna be about something entirely different

Ditto 0.o

Anyway for the original question.I guess it maybe comes from an old medieval belief..a belief that emotions came from organs inside the body rather than the brain.I mean when you experience fear it does feel like it comes from inside your chest sometimes.


Well-known member
Perhaps because, as some other users have delicately pointed out, it was more appropriate than some other organs?

Maybe because infatuation tends to set one's heart aflutter?

Maybe because love is too illogical for the Brain, and just too sexy for the Stomach?

Ditto 0.o

Anyway for the original question.I guess it maybe comes from an old medieval belief..a belief that emotions came from organs inside the body rather than the brain.I mean when you experience fear it does feel like it comes from inside your chest sometimes.

The title just cracked me up. Does that make me a dirty mind?

It’s probably because people used to regard the heart as the center of everything rather than the brain. This belief most likely lead to this association a long time ago and eventually reached our days.

These sound pretty plausible actually. From an ancient point of view it would make allot of sense.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Totally had naughty thoughts.

I hadn't actually thought about it...interesting question. I agree with those last comments that you quoted^^. Good answers.


Well-known member
Check this out:

Heart (symbol) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In European traditional art and folklore, the heart symbol is drawn in a stylized shape. This shape is typically coloured red, suggesting both blood and, in many cultures, passion and strong emotion....

What the traditional "heart shape" actually depicts is a matter of some controversy. It only vaguely resembles the human heart.

The seed of the silphium plant, used in ancient times as an herbal contraceptive, has been suggested as the source of the heart symbol."


So "I <3 you" basically means, "I want to do something with you that requires using a contraceptive."


Well-known member
So "I <3 you" basically means, "I want to do something with you that requires using a contraceptive."

Sounds good to me. ;)

But what about when people use the "<3" when referring to something inanimate, like cheesecake? Or music?



Well-known member
Doesn't your heart beat fast when you're attracted to someone?;)

And ya know, I've got a dirty mind too, but I didn't even think about that until the rest of you pointed it out. (Excuse the poor choice of words, that was not intentional, I swear!) I knew what he meant.::p: