The days of J.J (Journal)


Well-known member
I currently dont know what to do with myself, I feel terrible and lonely.I usually have a good dose of sad but its just amplified lately. Ive been like this for 4 weeks now and Ive already vented to people who seem to care but I still feel like crap. Theres nothing for me to do really, being on summer break because my parents have gotten strict about the people I can hangout with so Im basically home staring at the walls. I really just wanna go out with fun people and forget my problems. I wish I werent so sensitive and moody about everything, its probably driving people away. Im tired of always being the "nice one" because no one gives two about my feelings. However I always say that.. im never going to be the one who comes out fine and dandy, just the one whos left hurt. But forget suicide, maybe if I were a bit older and knew where my life is headed. If its anything like these 16 years then f it. You know, I was thinking I dont exactly have social phobia, social has a phobia of me. Would be nice if I had a stable person to go to with my problems however venting only gives me temporary relief, cant solve the problem. I dont even get it.. Im not bullied, Im definetly not popular, people seem to like me, people seem to ignore me, its like im an extra in someone elses life and Im just here to fill a blank.