People, and especially family, can be so damn ungrateful and lazy! Canceling sounds like the smart move. Even the greatest magician needs an assistant, and with five children, more like a handful of assistants. Feeling guilty even though you shouldn't is much better than being resentful and completely exhausted! Maybe they'll realize their mistake, apologize, and try to be help and be appreciative next year. Have you or your husband explained how unappreciated and stressed out it makes you feel?
I wish I could tell them how I feel, but I don't want to strain the relationship, so I let my husband handle it. His parents are weird. I have tried to form a bond with them, but we can't seem to be able to advance beyond small talk, it's like we are stuck. They just aren't very deep, and I am a very deep complicated soul. In order to bond with someone I need them to open up and connect with me in a way that some people just aren't able.. and that just isn't happening, even after 15 years. I have given up trying, abandoned hope for ever having a close relationship and just keep to pleasantries for the sake of my husband.
My husband did let them know that we would allow the Christmas party to happen at our house, however they would be responsible for bringing food and paper plates (which will be a blow to them as I usually have a huge sit down Christmas dinner.) I do it for him, and for the kids so they can know their grandparents. It sucks, but that's how it is and in all honesty it will ruin that part of Christmas for me, but I'll just have to plow through it.
Thanksgiving went well, it was just immediate family + my daughters boyfriend. He is okay?... But he gets on my nerves. I hope if he is going to be around awhile I get used to him. I try to be tolerant and non-judging.
Why do outsiders feel like a splinter? It won't feel better until it's out! I need to get over this rejection of outsiders.