Thank you for this forum!!


I'm new to the group, and I'm so glad I came across this site!

It wasn't until a meeting I hosted yesterday, after yet another miserable public speaking experience, that I googled "public speaking sucks," and found this site. I was presenting to only 2 people, but I literally could not get myself to breathe enough to speak in more than a shaky, constricted voice. I was on the verge of crying, and felt my body trembling, and my face buring.

It felt like I was going to my death - the same as any other time I "have" to speak to an audience. What is the point of forcing people to do presentations, anyways? I hate going to meetings, and loathe robotic public speaking. "These.Are.The.Stats.For.January" - can't people just read the material? Or sit down and informally review it together, kind of like a book club?

Anyways, after finding this site, and reading some of the refreshingly honest, candid, and at times funny posts (such as "my cats keep me from committing suicide"), I realized that I'm not the only one with these awful experiences.

I look forward to meeting everyone!


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum. Yes I struggle speaking to people too. Mind is to the point where I can`t talk to banker to open up a new bank account or the pizza guy because I can`t say my phone number are address clearly enough.
and the rest of the times I just feel like running out of the stores screaming.


Well-known member

Actually, I do not think that the statement "my cats keep me from committing suicide" was meant as a joke.


Thank you all!

And hoddesdon, I know it wasn't a joke. I meant that I found humor in it to the extent that I have had the exact same thought many times...Like when you listen to a comedy show, and they talk about crappy real-life situations that you've endured. It's funny/ relieving when you can relate, and know others have gone through the same dark place - and are OK.
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