Terrorist act


If you had committed a terror act however small or big, and it was your first offence, And you were of good character in the past with no history, What is the likely hood of being sent to prison ?


Well-known member
If you had committed a terror act however small or big, and it was your first offence, And you were of good character in the past with no history, What is the likely hood of being sent to prison ?

Pretty big, I'd say.


Well-known member
100% I would say, terrorist acts are some of the worst crimes because they are generally perpetrated on or at least affect the innocent.


Well-known member
Theres no way any of us could say without you telling us what you did. My friend got a felony for terroristic acts and was only in jail for about a week. You would be surprised at what's considered terroristic these days.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
If you had committed a terror act however small or big, and it was your first offence, And you were of good character in the past with no history, What is the likely hood of being sent to prison ?

How can you say "however small or big"? That would seem to be highly relevant. If for example you remote detonated a nuclear warhead in the middle of a large city, vapourising several blocks, killing hundreds, and rendering a large area an uninhabitable, radioactive wasteland then I think you'd almost certainly be looking at a little jail time regardless of your previously unblemished record.

The trouble is, the authorities seem to love categorising things as "acts of terror" or arresting people on terror charges when they can't make anything else stick. Perhaps if you could tell us what you're being charged with, it might help?


Well-known member
I think i remember you posting something about an anthrax or bomb hoax correct? People do go to prison over hoaxes (about 6 months) however you may get home detention if you show remorse.


If you had committed a terror act however small or big, and it was your first offence, And you were of good character in the past with no history, What is the likely hood of being sent to prison ?

Yeah you made a bomb threat I think? They do take that stuff seriously and I don't think you can rule out being sent to prison.

Like other people have said, it all depends on other details like if it's your first offence? Also it depends on the circumstances. I had to go to court once and was looking at 5 years max. But as I had been to a funeral the same day, I only got a years probation instead of the 5 years I was looking at due to extenuating circumstances and the fact I had not been in trouble before.

Still your best bet is asking the person who is representing you.


Staff member
You'd probably be briefed by all this by a lawyer, unless you were a fantasist that is


Well-known member
Jails in most countries aren't that bad. You just have to try and get along with the other inmates and you will be fine. Admittedly the food won't be great and the bedding may be a little more uncomfortable than you are used to, but you will survive.


Well-known member
Jails in most countries aren't that bad. You just have to try and get along with the other inmates and you will be fine. Admittedly the food won't be great and the bedding may be a little more uncomfortable than you are used to, but you will survive.

Have you ever known anybody in jail? Because this is absolutely not the case unless you are some big black guy. All 3 of my uncles ended up in jail and have shared some pretty disturbing stories and experienced traumatic events while there.

I lol'd at "try to get along with the other inmates." Even for a normal person that can be difficult, let alone somebody posting on a social phobia forum.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Have you ever known anybody in jail? Because this is absolutely not the case unless you are some big black guy. All 3 of my uncles ended up in jail and have shared some pretty disturbing stories and experienced traumatic events while there.

I lol'd at "try to get along with the other inmates." Even for a normal person that can be difficult, let alone somebody posting on a social phobia forum.

I figured Aussie_Lad had to be being sarcastic. Either that or he has an incredibly optimistic view of jail. :)


I figured Aussie_Lad had to be being sarcastic. Either that or he has an incredibly optimistic view of jail. :)

The Jails are not that bad In the uk. Well some are but it tends to be the young offender units which are the worst. Still I agree, jail is not a nice place, and not a place you would wan't to visit if you can help it ::p:


Well-known member
In this day and age they are very harsh about terrorist threats. A bunch of eleven year old Muslims were arrested recently in England for making extremist remarks.