I hate having to go places alone and, it always bothers me so bad when I am in the store and, I just feel real nervous and I am sure I have that suspicious look and,I just cannot help it that I have this look, its just cause I am so nervous and everything . So always being nervous when I am out makes me have some kind of a suspicious look
And how about when you go to leave the store and not having bought anything, and you feel real nervous and feel they all think you have stole something? This really is upsetting for me because anytime I am leaving, most always I have to go thru where the cashiers are and, so walking past them makes me feel that they think I have stolen something. I almost feel to choke I am so nervous and get all hot and almost sweat
One of the main things I enjoy when at the stores is looking at DVDs and, if I do buy a DVD, I ALWAYS have to find a perfect looking copy, so I stand there looking at 2 or 3 copies of a title, and hold it in a way so the light shines on it so I can see if any are perfect without any kind of markings. And so, when i do this ,I know I am being watched and of course feeling this way makes me feel all nervous. I can just imagine the cameras up on the ceilings are aimed at me and the guys in the security room are sitting there watching what I am doing .
The thing is tho, even tho I do this anytime I buy a DVD, I always prove them wrong if they are thinking I am trying to steal a DVD .
But anyways, I really wish I was accepted like all the others that are in the store, it always seems to me that they are not looked at at all, and that its just ME that the workers and security people are watching
This life I have sure rots to high heaven