

My positive talent is think and deliberate de best option. Better for me, but... i need be happy. My decisions in the end are stranges.


Well-known member
Writing, photography and music.

I am also a good listener and often give good advice and so forth.


Active member
im not really good at anything either a lot people tell me im useless =/ but im good at listening to people i dont tell them advice or anything im just someone people vent to


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well, I've been playing the guitar since I was 14 years old. Gave up guitar lesson when I was 16 and have taught myself ever since. I also do alot of painting and drawing (haven't really been doing much of that lately). And for the last two years I have been writing. But recently, I haven't really been doing much. I can't concentrate on anything - which, for me, is both frustrating and depressed.


Well-known member
I like to think of myself as fairly creative, sadly I lack the will to finish anything so stuff usually gets stuck in the idea-phase and never go any further.


Well-known member
I play piano, but I stopped taking lessons for... obvious reasons I don't want to disclose at this time.


Active member
I play guitar... Thats all I can think of... Nobody really knows that I do though (at least, know one I know, or anybody at my school)


Well-known member
Im good at loads of things.

I think the reason for that is that I am enthusiastic about learning.


Well-known member
Are you sure everybody is good at something? I've tried quite a few different things and I have been from normal to bad at all of them. Do you think that there can be people who are good at more things than others and people bad at everything? Can there be people who are more gifted than other people?


Active member
Tonal drawings and paintings, some sports and piano. But I don't know how much of that is talent and how much is just amount of practice.


Well-known member
Technology...I think. I'm studying to become an engineer and I'm finding the more I learn the more ideas I have. For some weird reason I'm good at public speaking. Talking to people one on one scares me but put me in front of a crowd and that all changes. I'm also a great writer. I think people put too much emphasis on "talents" though. I think practice and learning from experience are much more important.


I'm creative...I've played guitar for 5 years. Uhh...I used to draw a lot but haven't done much of that in a while. I'm good with animals... Athletic... Know lots about sports...Uhhh that's all I got...lol..boring me...
