Summer Weather = Slap in the face


Well-known member
Oh God yeah. I used to love the summer so much but now it's like the entire ecosystem is taunting me.

However Tesco have a half-price sale on Cadbury's cornetto style ice-creams! Oh God yeah.


IcarusUnderWater2 said:
It is SOOO sunny and warm outside but i have no one to go enjoy it with! I WANT ICE CREAM!

tell me about it... :(

It's sunny here too... but i don't have anyone to go out with, and I'm not in a mood to study for an exam that i have tomorrow 8O


Well-known member
I like cloudy weather for some reason. Cloudy without rain. I don't like going out in the summer sunshine for a walk. I love going out on an overcast afternoon/evening. Weird aye, I just feel more confortable for some reason.


Well-known member
You can enjoy the sun all by yourself too. The chemical reaction that makes you feel better is the same.


Well-known member
I would enjoy it if i didn't have to work, i just wish i could have rain when in work and sunny out of work. I have no one to enjoy it with either :cry:


Well-known member
yeah i had pretty much forgotten that sunny weather existed, can't believe how much my mood can change just from the colour of the sky.


Well-known member
Summer... :(

For a day or two at the very start of summer I feel happy in the new sunshine and warmth, but then it just gets too hot and I feel tired and ill all day long, and then uncomfortable and sleepless at night. I'm really pale, burn easily and just don't think I'm made for hot weather!

Then there are all the people walking around half dressed, being loud and obnoxious and determined to "HAVE FUN!!!" It feels like anyone who's quiet or unhappy is totally unwelcome and even more out of place than usual.

My main bugbear though, is summer clothing. I wear a lot of black and dark colours which attract the heat and make me uncomfortable in the sun, but I'd feel really odd in white or pastels because I haven't worn them since I was a kid. I also have a lot of scars on one arm from when I went a bit razor-happy in my teens, so I never ever go out in short sleeves. It's ridiculously uncomfortable on a hot day, but I'd be mortified to have them on show, so each year I just put up with the heat and try to dodge the annoying questions about why I don't wear t-shirts.
I would enjoy much more if it were cold outside. The heat is killing me. Ice cream tastes so much better in the cold anyways. Either way, hot or cold I've got no one to enjoy it with. I don't really let the weather affect how I feel, because all I want are some friends :(.


Well-known member
i love summer. the nice days at the beach with my beautiful girlfriend, just enjoying time in the sun. also, the outdoor parties where we go and hang out with people, just barbecuing, drinking some beers and hanging with some of our close friends. it is a time when i get to catch up with people and see how everyone is doing. and then at night my girlfriend and i can lay in a field kissing, gazing at the stars and talking about how great life is.

oh wait a second... :oops:


Summer's been and gone here. Temp. is getting colder and winter is just around the corner. I actually didn't do much over the summer, but I still enjoyed it - didn't get too hot here. Ah, warm weather and sunshine.. just puts me in a better mood, even if all I'm doing is sitting out on the deck and reading a book.


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
Summer... :(

Then there are all the people walking around half dressed, being loud and obnoxious and determined to "HAVE FUN!!!" It feels like anyone who's quiet or unhappy is totally unwelcome and even more out of place than usual.

I'm very conscious of my body so i hate showing it. I have battled anorexia in the past but i still am insecure about my body.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I'm very conscious of my body so i hate showing it. I have battled anorexia in the past but i still am insecure about my body.

Me too. It's been a while since I was really in the grip of an ED (age 14/15) but it still affects me and I've had a few relapses. The self-consciousness never seems to go away :(


Active member
go out for a walk by yourself, or to the park or beach depending on where you live, I sometimes just choose a driection and walk to see where it takes me.


Well-known member
it's sunny here too. :eek: I live in Florida, lol. Well I don't have anyone to go out and enjoy it with either. Lately I've been gardening alot... alone. :[ Well the flowers kinda keep you company. ;)


Well-known member
princess_haru said:
recluse said:
I'm very conscious of my body so i hate showing it. I have battled anorexia in the past but i still am insecure about my body.

Me too. It's been a while since I was really in the grip of an ED (age 14/15) but it still affects me and I've had a few relapses. The self-consciousness never seems to go away :(

I was also that age when i had it. I had counselling and i battled it for almost a year. But it's true that the self conciousness never goes, i'm 27 now but i still feel bad about my body.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I was also that age when i had it. I had counselling and i battled it for almost a year. But it's true that the self conciousness never goes, i'm 27 now but i still feel bad about my body.

Yup, 26 here and still paranoid about my body in almost every way possible :( I sometimes wonder how much damage I did to my mind and body at that age. I was just over 6 stone at my lowest, and always felt useless for not reaching my goal of 5 and half stone.


Well-known member
I was 7 stone and on my way down at my lowest, and i was not much shorter than i am now (5'10) so i was very thin.