Suicide question


Well-known member
I dont know. My life is so empty, I'd really be doing myself a service. On the other hand, I watched that video of Ricardo Lopez doing himself on the internet, BLAM! shoooooh, then he was just over. That was scary as hell.

I dont want this life, but I sure as fuck dont want to just be over like that.


Well-known member
What kind of question is that to ask on this site?! Everyone will die or has already died the way that God has intended them to. I don't understand why people do die from suicide, but I guess only God knows why.


Well-known member
What kind of question is that to ask on this site?! Everyone will die or has already died the way that God has intended them to. I don't understand why people do die from suicide, but I guess only God knows why.


Well-known member
What kind of question is that to ask on this site?! Everyone will die or has already died the way that God has intended them to. I don't understand why people do die from suicide, but I guess only God knows why.
If I go blind, I might end it all right there. If my brain were injured in some way that would interfere with my intelligence, I'd probably do the same(good thing I defend my eyes and the rest of my head with my life, no wonder I'm so paranoid...). But from depression or anxiety, I could never. I actually get this strange sort of comfort from being depressed and alone....

Besides, I've always thought of suicide as the lazy way out for people who don't want to overcome their problems. I know it can get hard to manage life sometimes, but wouldn't you at least rather wait around and see how it plays out?

Actually, I do intentionally hurt myself a lot, but that isn't to punish myself or something like that. It's mostly to kind of numb myself to physical pain. Exactly why I want to do that is beyond me...


Well-known member
I think about it everyday,I will never do it while my close family is still alive,after that I dont really know,no matter where I go,I bring people around me down,like I am some sort of black hole sucking the life and happiness of people,some dont deserve that,but how do you kill that which already has no life?


Well-known member
Nope. Way too chicken shit for that. There are certainly times where I want to die and will start wishing that I would just die in an accident or get a disease or something, so my life could just be done with. But no, I don't believe I would ever do it myself.


Well-known member
The possibility is always in my mind. I don't really listen to what people say about it being the easy way out because if it truly were most people would have the courage to do it, but we all know only a small portion (thankfully) do. A lot of the time I figure I may as well stick with life because death is coming for me anyway. If I get out there and live enough my chances of dying go up quite a bit, and I don't even have to bother taking matters into my own hands. I've always liked the saying "Death lies dormant in each of us and will bloom in time." It's true.


Active member
i know i would but being chicken stops me .
it's all i think about everyday and have been for so long .


New member
def a bad time
theres time i wanna do it cause i mean whos gonna miss me


Well-known member
lonely_world said:
What kind of question is that to ask on this site?! Everyone will die or has already died the way that God has intended them to. I don't understand why people do die from suicide, but I guess only God knows why.

Well, I don't believe in God so I've got no guilty feelings about asking the question.


I guess I'm one of those people who don't actually want to kill themselves, but wouldn't mind if a bus hit 'em or something like that...


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I won't. One thing I will never to is purposely end my own life. I won't do anything to really slow it either, I'm just gonna let it happen as it does. I don't want to mess with stuff like this. Even when I feel I have no hope whatsoever, I still feel something for the tiniest thing that's there.



I tried hanging myself when i was 11,and have only tried again once after that when i was in a very dark place so deep down i think i have a bit of hope left... or maybe im just too stubborn to give up.

Tho hand on heart i wouldnt mind die'ing but i wouldnt take my own life right now as theres a chance things can get better,but at the same time if im in the same place a few years down the line then i think it might be an option.


Well-known member
I would never. I care too much about how my family and friends would feel. I don't want to hurt them. My mom especially.


I don't understand why so many want to just give up and take the easy way out. You have to fight on, and accept what you were born with. Committing suicide will be no benefit to anyone...


New member
I have been down so many times and I thought there was no way out, but then I found strength through God and support of my family and I got back up--and I do it again and again. You have probably heard it all before, but sometimes hearing it again might really make a difference. Try continual therapy, read books (Dying of Embarrassment, and Feeling Good are the ones I am about to start) volunteer, eat right, exercise, meditate. There has to be something that you are interested in or were once interested in. Take small steps to get involved in different activities. Maybe taking a couple classes at a Community College. Healing is not a fast process. NO ONE is promised a tomorrow, so focus on making the best of each day.--Take one day at a time. Everything will be o.k. -- I don't even know you, but I still care. I know what it is like to be in-- what feels like another world and to have something so debilitating, but I have to believe it will get better and God will take care of everyone. You will be o.k. Keep getting back up. Be confident in yourself. Don't let depression or your anxieties take over. YOU are in control. :D


I think life is amazing, I love being alive, its the greatest gift possible. I just wish I didn't have the struggles due to my problems.

But I dream of amazing adventures and meeting someone amazing and having the best times ever. I just need to overcome my problems and I am sure it will come true.

You only get one life, no one should ever take their own life, you have to be brave and do the best you can and make the most of how things are.