Suicide question


Well-known member
If you don't live then you don't exist. Something that does not exist can not recieve a gift. First after you are created and though exist you can recieve gifts. Also giving something to something that does not exist does not mean any benefit since it does not exist. Saying that life is a gift does not work. Unless you believe in after life there is no loss in loosing life. You will not be able to sense or notice anything in life so you will not experience any loss, since you stop to exist. ;)


probably yes. When that one person dies, there will be nothing for me to hold on this earth and honestly i don't want to play the game aka be life's bitch. Suicide is the ultimate fuck you to life and i will not miss The Whore who makes us all crazy with her chaos and order. The good thing about eventually killing yourself is that you don't play along society's rules: steal, leech from society, do whatever is necessary to cripple the whore..aaah:)


Well-known member
Hi Volaju- your post, although I'm thinking it's unintended, makes me laugh! The whore?? haha. Lifes bitch? Don't get me wrong, I know what you're saying & it can feel pretty bad some days but maybe it's time to take a Puppy Break. Anyone got a puppy?

Very bleak post for sure but funny at the same time. I like the analogies! :wink:
I think there is a 50/50 chance, i think about it daily and my life is so empty it feels like i have nothing to live for, but i guess deep down i want to believe one day i will find love again and that will save me, love is such a powerful saviour in its own way.


New member
How can all of you sit there and let anxiety win?! KILLING YOURSELF IS NOT HELPING ANYONE!!! IT IS, HOWEVER, HURTING EVERYONE AROUND YOU!!! When something happens to one person, it affects A LOT of other people. I know anxiety and depression sucks, but can't you think of anything about them that is positive? I know for me it made me realize that all these people are out there suffering and I learned empathy. I am not saying that I like having it--I am saying however, that it has taught me some good things and made me feel like crap other times, but now I am ready to move on. I AM MAD ENOUGH TO BEAT THIS CYCLE!!! Until you are MAD, I mean really MAD at your Anxiety and Depression--then you can start to work on it and eventually overcome it. YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON!!! If everything in life was easy...what would we learn? So NOW is the time to STAND UP and realize what was important to you before IS still important to you now. You just need to help it resurface. Self-help--reading, therapy, exercising, eating right....etc. All of these are ways to help. Keep a journal, keep track of any panic attacks, extreme sadness, situations that made you uncomfortable....etc. Then you can make a list of goals. PUSH YOURSELF TO ACHIEVE, NOT TO FAIL!!! :idea: 8) :D


Well-known member
I don't think I will, as long as I'm on antidepressants I won't try. Also I don't have the means eg no gun at home or ability to get one.


Well-known member
Caps lock, blue text and obscene amounts of exclamation marks made me want to lay down and die. Please don't do that again.


Well-known member
That dark thought usually crosses my mind atleast once a day. At present, I really don't get the point. Some people are just losers (by society's standards). Who would want to live as that?


Well-known member
AnxiousA said:
How can all of you sit there and let anxiety win?! KILLING YOURSELF IS NOT HELPING ANYONE!!! IT IS, HOWEVER, HURTING EVERYONE AROUND YOU!!! When something happens to one person, it affects A LOT of other people. I know anxiety and depression sucks, but can't you think of anything about them that is positive? I know for me it made me realize that all these people are out there suffering and I learned empathy. I am not saying that I like having it--I am saying however, that it has taught me some good things and made me feel like crap other times, but now I am ready to move on. I AM MAD ENOUGH TO BEAT THIS CYCLE!!! Until you are MAD, I mean really MAD at your Anxiety and Depression--then you can start to work on it and eventually overcome it. YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON!!! If everything in life was easy...what would we learn? So NOW is the time to STAND UP and realize what was important to you before IS still important to you now. You just need to help it resurface. Self-help--reading, therapy, exercising, eating right....etc. All of these are ways to help. Keep a journal, keep track of any panic attacks, extreme sadness, situations that made you uncomfortable....etc. Then you can make a list of goals. PUSH YOURSELF TO ACHIEVE, NOT TO FAIL!!! :idea: 8) :D

Self-help--reading, therapy, exercising, eating right....etc. That is what I'm doing (yes even therapy) and i still feel like jumping.