mariatherese said:
wow, this is great! i can SO relate!
*i have spent many skipped classes hiding in the bathroom back in my high school days.
*if someone offers me soemthing, like a glass of water, i will say NO even if i'm really thirsty. and i dont know why.
*i obsessively check my zipper after going to the bathroom to make sure my fly isnt undone and that someone will notice.
*if i see someone i know in public, i will also avoid them like the plague. i even avoid complete strangers- in fact, get angry when i'm in a shopping aisle and all of a sudden people have crowded around me! i quickly leave- even if i needed something in that aisle- and i come back to the aisle to get it when its empty.
*my purse is a mess b/c i'm afraid everyones waiting on me- staring at me- at the checkout line, so i throw my money in my purse haphazardly and bookit out the door.
*i cant talk on the phone- i cant even call the pizza guy. i'm afraid i'll sound stupid.
*i walk funny around people becuase i think everyones looking at me. it looks really unnatural.
*i cant look into peoples eyes either.
*i have done the phone thing before.
*today, i stopped at a gas station on my lunch break. i wanted to buy a small container of milk for the office fridge- to use i my coffee- but i put it back on the shelf because i knew i would feel too dumb walking back in there with a jug of milk in my hand. then soemone would look at me weird. and someone would ask me about it. or maybe laugh at me.
*Sometimes, but I rarely skipped classes, grades were too important!
*Yes, Im affraid something might of been done to it.
*Sometimes mine will undo without me knowing, I always try and hide it with my t-shirt anyway. But I do check after going to the bathroom, excessively if it is a really bad day
*It always seems I can't put my money in neatly either. If I take too long, I get a little tense and tend to leave, no matter.
*I have gotten a lot better on the phone recently. I can call people and answer the phone with greater confidence. However I would get nervous if it was something really big and kinda awkard.
*I tend to walk very quickly in public. I seem to race by people. Can't stop it either. If I get nervous, I gain a significant walk disturbance.
*Depends who it is. Attractive females I cant, but older women and men I am generally fine with. There are a few exceptions to this though.
*Yep, seems like we have all done that one !
* I would never go into a shop with a jug in my hand, never! Just make me look too stupid!