Strange things YOU have or still do because of SA


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IceLad said:
If I don't have any comfortable pockets to put my hands in (usually when I don't have a coat), I have to have something to carry in at least one hand e.g. packet of mints.

I havent realised it, but I think I have to always carry something too!. I always carry my phone or wallet around when I could just as easily put it in my pocket. Unless I am wearing certain shorts, I don't put my hands in my pocket, because they are an uncomfortable fit, but strangely if my anxiety is really bad, I begin to think that people think Im jerking off =(
wow, this is great! i can SO relate!

*i have spent many skipped classes hiding in the bathroom back in my high school days.

*if someone offers me soemthing, like a glass of water, i will say NO even if i'm really thirsty. and i dont know why.

*i obsessively check my zipper after going to the bathroom to make sure my fly isnt undone and that someone will notice.

*if i see someone i know in public, i will also avoid them like the plague. i even avoid complete strangers- in fact, get angry when i'm in a shopping aisle and all of a sudden people have crowded around me! i quickly leave- even if i needed something in that aisle- and i come back to the aisle to get it when its empty.

*my purse is a mess b/c i'm afraid everyones waiting on me- staring at me- at the checkout line, so i throw my money in my purse haphazardly and bookit out the door.

*i cant talk on the phone- i cant even call the pizza guy. i'm afraid i'll sound stupid.

*i walk funny around people becuase i think everyones looking at me. it looks really unnatural.

*i cant look into peoples eyes either.

*i have done the phone thing before.

*today, i stopped at a gas station on my lunch break. i wanted to buy a small container of milk for the office fridge- to use i my coffee- but i put it back on the shelf because i knew i would feel too dumb walking back in there with a jug of milk in my hand. then soemone would look at me weird. and someone would ask me about it. or maybe laugh at me.


Well-known member
mariatherese said:
wow, this is great! i can SO relate!

*i have spent many skipped classes hiding in the bathroom back in my high school days.

*if someone offers me soemthing, like a glass of water, i will say NO even if i'm really thirsty. and i dont know why.

*i obsessively check my zipper after going to the bathroom to make sure my fly isnt undone and that someone will notice.

*if i see someone i know in public, i will also avoid them like the plague. i even avoid complete strangers- in fact, get angry when i'm in a shopping aisle and all of a sudden people have crowded around me! i quickly leave- even if i needed something in that aisle- and i come back to the aisle to get it when its empty.

*my purse is a mess b/c i'm afraid everyones waiting on me- staring at me- at the checkout line, so i throw my money in my purse haphazardly and bookit out the door.

*i cant talk on the phone- i cant even call the pizza guy. i'm afraid i'll sound stupid.

*i walk funny around people becuase i think everyones looking at me. it looks really unnatural.

*i cant look into peoples eyes either.

*i have done the phone thing before.

*today, i stopped at a gas station on my lunch break. i wanted to buy a small container of milk for the office fridge- to use i my coffee- but i put it back on the shelf because i knew i would feel too dumb walking back in there with a jug of milk in my hand. then soemone would look at me weird. and someone would ask me about it. or maybe laugh at me.

*Sometimes, but I rarely skipped classes, grades were too important!
*Yes, Im affraid something might of been done to it.
*Sometimes mine will undo without me knowing, I always try and hide it with my t-shirt anyway. But I do check after going to the bathroom, excessively if it is a really bad day
*It always seems I can't put my money in neatly either. If I take too long, I get a little tense and tend to leave, no matter.
*I have gotten a lot better on the phone recently. I can call people and answer the phone with greater confidence. However I would get nervous if it was something really big and kinda awkard.
*I tend to walk very quickly in public. I seem to race by people. Can't stop it either. If I get nervous, I gain a significant walk disturbance.
*Depends who it is. Attractive females I cant, but older women and men I am generally fine with. There are a few exceptions to this though.
*Yep, seems like we have all done that one !
* I would never go into a shop with a jug in my hand, never! Just make me look too stupid!


Well-known member
I talk to myself.

I obsessively worry about something I said to someone..i.e, "was that offensive?", "do they think I'm annoying?" "am I being too negative?"

I do the phone trick. Pretend like I'm checking my voice mail or something.

If I see someone I know, I go of my way to avoid them.. unless I'm actually comfortable talking to them.


Well-known member
- I talk to myself a lot, if i'm alone i'll talk aloud if i'm somewhere (ie school) i'll talk in my head

- Sometimes I can go the whole day without saying a word to people especially when i go to school

- I talk to my cats a lot, about anything i can carry out a whole conversation with them, sometimes i think i'm going crazy

- I'll play with my phone to look like i have something to do, even if it is just pressing buttons

- I won't look at people I know if I see them

- Cant look at people in the eye for more than a few seconds


OMG! I totally do this!

Zarrix said:
I got this topic from another Support forum, I thought it would be a good Idea to start here XD.

*I have more conversations with myself, spoken or in mind than anyone else put together. I like to talk to myself in bed sometimes, how fucking weird is that?

* Sometimes if other people around, I will grab my phone as if I had a message. This message doesn't exist and I'm randomly pressing buttons to ease the nerves somewhat

*If I see someone I know in a shopping centre or other place (EXCEPT my closest friends), I will literally start to stare down at the floor, quickly get away and watch out for the person while very quickly get what I need and after that not hesitating to get the fuck out of the place.


My brain never stops. Literally.

I have conversations with myself all day. I can never get to sleep because I cant get myself to shutup!

I will have convos in my head while my mum is trying to talk to me!

(* Sometimes if other people around, I will grab my phone as if I had a message. This message doesn't exist and I'm randomly pressing buttons to ease the nerves somewhat )

It is scary how much this sounds like me. I do it even when I'm with close friends. If I start to feel uncomfortable I will just start pressing numbers. One time I accidently pressed some random numbers and called someone! Of course I quickly hung up but it was a close one!

I also get my phone out and pretend Im texting when I walk down the street. But I think thats mainly so I dont have to look people in he eye, and its probably got something to do with the fear of being attacked. Attackers beware I have my phone out ready to call the cops. Well thats the impression Im trying to give!

I despise doctors surgeries.
They always position the seats s that you are all staring ay eachother.
I hide behide magazines but I still feel like everyones staring at me.
And damn the people who cant help eye balling you up and down just because you cant stop coughing or sneexzing.
Would they please mind their own business???[/list]
4seasons said:
-When I post messages on message boards I re-read them 2 or 3 times before I post them and think weather or not i should post them, I'll do the same for this one and a lot of the time I'll just not post them. I'm just afraid of saying stupid or immature things.

Yep, that's me. I also talk to myself (imagining conversations, singing, doing impersonations), obsess over how I look, run into my room when someone I don't know comes into the house.


New member
I had to register just to respond to this thread. I googled "social phobia forum" on a whim a few minutes ago, but it really is eerie how similar everything posted is to my daily habits.

With respect to the OP, I daydream 24/7, and I realize that it's kind of weird, but I can't stop. I'm not always talking with myself; sometimes I daydream conversations with other people I know about the most random things. I've actually completely zoned out while daydreaming before – to the point where I actually lose time.

I do the pretend-texting thing too, but I have also walked into a store pretending to talk with some on the phone just to avoid saying hello to the clerk. Then afterwards I wonder whether they noticed I wasn't actually talking to someone!

When I see people in public places I usually avoid them at all costs, sometimes even resorting to ignoring their obvious yelling until they just give up.

I'm honestly surprised how much of this stuff I do on a daily basis.


Oh, I do so many of these things on a daily basis, too! Plus the following:

I can't enter a small shop or a store in the mall unless there are at least a few other people already inside. I sometimes walk up and down the street/isle, trying to work up the nerve to enter the shop each time I pass it by.

If I'm talking to someone I don't know well, it's comforting to have a cup of tea or another beverage in my hand. When the cup is empty, I will pretend to keep taking sips from the empty cup.

In the grocery store check out, I try to line up at a clerk I don't recognize from my previous visits to the store.

If I need gas, but there's already a line up of cars at the pump, I will drive around the block until the line clears instead of just getting into my place in line like a normal person would.


Well-known member
Pravidelnost said:
With respect to the OP, I daydream 24/7, and I realize that it's kind of weird, but I can't stop. I'm not always talking with myself; sometimes I daydream conversations with other people I know about the most random things. I've actually completely zoned out while daydreaming before – to the point where I actually lose time.

I usually live inside my thoughts, not paying enough attention to the world around me. Sometimes I zone out in the middle of a conversation with someone and get caught up in a daydream, which I'm trying really hard to stop doing as it's seriously (albeit unintentionally) rude. When I'm at work I often realise I've been sat there doing nothing for several minutes and have to mentally shake myself awake again. People tend to have to say my name several times before I realise they're trying to get my attention, which they generally think is amusing but sometimes they get annoyed :?

The thing is, inside my mind I can be wherever I want. I can listen to music, write stories, wonder about the things that intrigue me, create elaborate fantasies... reality usually can't compare, so I think I'll keep my dreamworld and stick a metaphorical middle finger up at the people who tell me to pay attention and stop daydreaming :p


Well-known member
*If I go shopping, it feels uncomfortable to have one obscure item in my shopping bag. I must put my phone or my wallet in there to ensure other people don't think I went in there just for that item.

*If someone says anything random to me, I will just laugh quietly and nothing else, EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

*I hate buying actual gifts for anyone, saying happy birthday, mothers day etc. Because I don't think they respect my goodwill enough. Only thing I ever get people for special occasions is money or a giftcard, at least they can buy whatever they want with that.

Just some more I thought of today :x


Staff member
*when I'm out and have an bad anxiety attack, I talk into my mobile phone pretending there's someone on the other end of the line, I pretend they are there reassuring me in the imaginary conversation(it does help though lol)*


Well-known member
Remus, is your avatar one of the little creatures from Les Maîtres du Temps/Masters of Time? I haven't seen that film since I was little but I loved it :D

(Just ignore my ramblings if it's not, lol!)

...sorry for the off-topic-ness of that! :oops: Um, so another weird thing I do is have imaginary conversations in my head, trying to imagine what a certain person might say and how I'd respond. It's probably due to my fear of being struck speechless while struggling to think of a response that doesn't sound idiotic.

Hehe, and I've just realised that another weird thing I do is edit my posts pretty often, just after I've posted them!


Well-known member
when im doing the pretend texting thing i usually start off pressing random buttons but then i start to think the other people will realise im hitting random buttons and not actually texting anyone so ill write myself a text message like hey hows it going what pretend texting again nice 1 and just write down a conversation with myself lol
does anyone else do that


Its nice to know that I'm not the only one who talks to himself. Besides that I avoid eye contact at all costs with people I don't know well. And I can't really talk to anyone. When most people talk to me Its just a one sided conversation.


Well-known member
I talk to myself quite alot, mainly in the head though. I prepare future conversations and canvass all posibilities and running through those :roll: .

Examples would be asking for food at restaurant, talking about different drugs with my psychiatrist, talking on the phone. When I'm having a bad SA day I find it difficult to answer the phone, everything :( .


Staff member
princess_haru said:
Remus, is your avatar one of the little creatures from Les Maîtres du Temps/Masters of Time? I haven't seen that film since I was little but I loved it :D

(Just ignore my ramblings if it's not, lol!)

Nope its the "helpless" animation of the character "Pink" in Pink Floyd's film "The Wall"