Starting a new life and a new you somewhere else


I've seem to have come to a crossroads in my life. I'm 21, and unfortunately not going to school nor do I have any friends that are close to me. The past four months I guess you could say I became socially isolated which led to severe anxiety and some depression.

So with that being said I sat down and really started thinking if I wanted to continue my life here at home where I live, or take the risk of moving somewhere completely different and start a new life there (wherever that would be). At this moment I could go to college here, continue living with my parents and find a job. Maybe try to reestablish friendships that I have lost in the past. And try to make the best of my situation now.

Or, I could do something that I have been thinking about (it's really been a fantasy more than anything) and move to a new state, or at least a new city and start my life from rock bottom. Find a decent paying job while going to school there, and when I'm financially stable enough find a decent place to live. I could meet completely new people. It's scary to think about, moving somewhere where you don't know anyone, but it could also be really good experience that could turn my life around.

What are your guy's thoughts on this situation? If your like me or even if your not, do you think I should stay where I'm at now and make the best of it, or start a new life somewhere else?
You could look into where you could go and what you could do and maybe something will really appeal to you so much you have to do it. There's no harm in looking at your options, if you don't find anything that excites you or you decide its too much or something, well that's ok because it was always one of two options. The other one doesn't sound terrible as you describe it.
It seems you've already thought deeply and found yourself wanting. So like freudianslipper says "there's no harm in looking at your options..."

I've done this on a smaller scale I suppose. My family is about 10KM away from me in a different city.
I moved out 4 years ago and never looked back. Started fresh.
Times past; I've realized how much I do enjoy family. I've learned to deal with myself and make friends and enemies.

Leaving may be what you need. I wish you all the best!
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Well-known member
I don't want to be a downer and if you think moving away is the answer then go for it. I just want to interject this bit of reality to give you something to think about: If you are having internal problems that have caused you to isolate yourself and therefore become anxious and/or depressed, moving someplace else will only be a temporary cure. The reason being you will still be the same person with the same issues. Eventually, you will most likely revert to the same type of lifestyle that you lived in your old state. When you first arrive in your new destination, you could reason the cause of you not having any friends is that you are new in town. You may even create a whole new persona but internal problems will eventually resurface unless you face them head-on. Now, if your problems are not internal and you are just surrounded by people who have caused you to isolate yourself, again I say go for it. Just wanted to offer up some food for thought.


Pirate from the North Pole
I agree with both Sial and TheOutsider. While I think creating your own little adventure is a very good idea for people with SA (and everyone else for that matter), it will not solve anything, in fact it will be harder because you have to get out of your comfort zone.

I moved in other parts of my country twice, once for studies and once for a new job, and I failed both times. It is finally here in the city I considere my home that I've been able to establish myself in a decent way (I was not born here, but this is the city where I went to college). However I don't regret these 2 little adventures, because I learned a lot from my mistakes.

I say both options are good, you just need to figure out what you want. Travelling is a good option too, you get to experience things, deal with the unknown, meet a lot of people, have an adventure, and at the end of it you come back to what you know, but you've grown a little.
I've done it - twice. It didn't make things better because i was still me. I still had my negative thoughts and still had my memories. If you really want to get away from certain people then moving may help, but it probably won't improve your life.

Hope you find the answers. :)
I thought the same as you, but to be honest it does not help much, it's only temporary. As times passes, the same problems/issues as before will be back in whatever way. But it is still worth a try for the experience.


Well-known member
For months now, I have wanted badly to move out of my parents house. I would live to live on my own and to travel. I've wanted a fresh start myself. But I am going to stay where I am, with my family, and work on improving myself and educating myself, and earning money. Having money saved up is a good idea. Money for rent, food, etc. And I need a car to travel, and then I will need money for car maintenence/repair. And more.

Like other people have said, you will still be, at least mostly, the same person with the same problems (if you have any problems) wherever you go. And if you have a hard enough time making and keeping friends, socializing, etc, you could be completely on your own. So it could depend on how well you handle yourself and what, if any, problems you have/how big they are.

As others have said, I would think about it. Look at your options. Do some research. It can't hurt to be prepared.