Staring at her from afar..for long periods of time?????


Well-known member
What goes through a guys mind when he stares at a girl through a window or across the room..or even in a cafeteria with many other people around..just staring..for long periods of work..why do this when you can speak with her any time you want face to face :confused:

Also..he makes eye contact when he stares from AFAR he looks DIRECTLY AT ME and doesn't stop sometimes for minutes..i just stare right back:D

Annnnd yes he knows i am interested already REALLY INTERESTED even though i have backed off a bit...bcuz nothing was happening due to his extreme shyness around me!!!! He is very relaxed and comfortable with all other women in the building and can talk to anyone!!!!!

I always say hello to him and when he starts conversation wth me (very difficult for hm to ask more than one question at a time) i always pays attention to him whenever we are together so he knows i am still interested..not sure if he believes it though!?!?

This is driving me crazy bcuz he looks at me all the time..this goes on 2, 3 times a day and he's been caught doing it by me and a few other people..he jumps when he knows he's been found out and runs!

He supposedly had girlfriends int he past and even just brke up with one a few months why can't he handle being around me????

Its obvious he feels something? He's almost 40 sO his behavior has always surprised me!!! i AM SHY AS WELL..BUT NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!

He just looks so frigggin scared at times and then other times he smiles and laughs when i'm in the room, talking to others but glancing at me fromt ime to time very shyly..or he won't look at me at all, he'll just get realllllllly loud and a bit silly..i feel like he's putting a show on for me!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else do this to a specific girl?

Do you know whats going on in his head?????

What is he thinking when he stares for long periods of time????



Well-known member
Maybe he'd like to get to know you but doesn't want to risk getting hurt? Doesn't want you to reject him once you get to know him better? Is still hurt from his last relationship?


well all i can say is i was staring at this girl in the fatory i work at cos i was bored and well mainly cos i fancy her she just had to look back and saw me looking at her, dont think she minds though we were chatting earlier.


Well-known member
A man doesn't think about anything when he's looking at a woman like that. He's just trying to engrave her beauty into his head so he can think about her when she's not there.

He's almost 40? Reading this, I thought for sure he was under 20. But I guess it doesn't matter. He's just shy and he's not approaching you because he's scared of being rejected. Maybe... You should make the first move?


Well-known member
You should go for it. If he isn't interested then that behavior is kinda creepy. I like to admire beauty but just a glance really


Active member
I agree that that's weird behavior, but if you're still attracted to him after that, he must be quite hot. Ask him out already. After all, he keeps staring at you. You have a right.