Spider....help me :(


Well-known member
I may act like a little girl when it comes to spiders but...anyone wanting to talk would help...I cant sleep now...

thing ran off under my bed :( and now I keep gradually checking if it is coming towards me lol...or crawling up the walls...It dissapeared...so...I am just being paranoid :(

Yea sure...they say there harmless....liiiiies....I remember I was going into the kitchen and this happened more than once different spiders...I could not go get food to eat because one was right between me and the kitchen...I was devastated cause I was soooo hungry...

so I would go and...try and kill it but it would turn its body towards me and just look at me everytime i went to go around it...was weird...it would just keep its eyes on me...I was just creeped out by that :( stupid spiders...

Heck I heard they cant die of natural causes :( well except birth...but I also heard china or somewhere has one 1000 years old...and still alive and it got big? not like huge huge...but big?

I cant say its false but I usually dont believe in something unless I have seen it and theres nothing picture wise I have seen on it...I'll admit it if there was a spider about to eat say if I had a girlfriend I would probably just run hahahaha....that is how scared I am of them...


Well-known member
city spiders aren't poisonous, they don't harm us they just make webs on walls and trap insects. Maybe it can sense your fear lol j/k.

I usually get a paper towel grab it gently with it and go outside to throw it away. I just hate hurting small harmless spiders.


Well-known member
they all scare me especially ones that jump...lol poisonous or not :/ I did not see what it was though but I think it may just be a wolf spider which is better than a brown recluse or black widow...well not all city spider are not poisonous some are lol...just not many of em :D

I just want to go to bed and I know it is still here...and yea they can probably sense my fear or they want revenge for all there fallen brothers in arms lol...Dont get me wrong I used to love insects and all kinds of bugs growing up...but spiders just scare me...I hate killing them to but...I usually dont if that makes you feel better I have my little sister or mom do it usually lol...

I feel bad killing them because they look so cool...but there scary lol...I had one on my webcam before and it bit me when I went to adjust it and my arm went numb for the night :/ wasnt fatal but I dont know what it was still freaked me out...

Never bothered me before till I saw this huge tan one the size of my hand when I was running circles around my garage when I was little and it was near to my face scared me to death...I think that was when I feared them lol...


Well-known member
Spiders scare the crap out of me too. If I don't have a shoe or newspaper handy, then forget it. I'm not staying in the room. I can't bring myself to kill them by squishing them with a paper towel or tissue in my hand. It still freaks me out. If I saw one crawl under my bed, and I couldn't kill it, then I'd be sleeping on the couch for the night. I'd search for him the next day. ::p:


Well-known member
I can honestly say I understand your fear. The embarassing thing for me is the fact my nine year old daughter is the one in our house who catches them and lets them go outside.


Well-known member
...daddy long legs are ok I still freak out by those LOL...and yea I remember one time I slept in my little sisters room on the floor because i was freaked ou tby a spider in my room...turns out I wake up and a big one crawls out from under my comforter I freaked out...

I eventually fell asleep...but I only was able to due to the assumption I thought maybe it was a fly's shadow that was cast under my desk lamp on the floor. because the shadow of the fly right next to the fly flying low made it look like something was scurrying but it still took me an hour or 2 to fall asleep...did not pass out till like 8 am lol.

And really? wow...9 year old doing that I would be like paying her to get rid of spiders lol.
Don't despair, your fear of spiders may go away as you get older.

I was absolutely terrified of them when I was younger, but the fear just started to fade when I was in my late 20's. I used to not be able to be in the same room as one, however I can now get rid of one out of my house with no fear at all.
I hope your fear of them fades with time too. :)


Well-known member
I just had one crawl across me when I was laying down lol...I mean I see little ones here and there maybe in a corner in my room that has a web they can stay there I dont mind them usually as long as they dont get near me.

I just ugh they can kill people lol...and there eggs...just 1000 more spiders woohoo..thanks I hope so to though hopefully it will I have become less worried about them than I used to be but still such a big scare factor for me lol...