Speaking in front of class..


Well-known member
In foreign language! Just had another Spanish presentation, which I feel terrible about. Other presentations in the past were fine because I mostly just read to the class, but this.... The requirement was that we are supposed to form the class in groups & then walk around and check on their discussions...very awkward! Walking around, asking "estan listos?" "como estan" blah blah

Not to mention a couple groups seemed irritated I kept checking (wanted participation grade and also time limit) & doesn't help that although this is an intermediate Spanish class, literally half the class are native Spanish speakers, so I really cannot compete with their discussions/understand half of what they're asking.

There was one case where I went to check on a group & these older ladies were sort of teasing me cuz I think I was asking too much and they were already done & I couldn't remember how to say anything in Spanish. I think people were laughing at me. And because they were done I went to another group & asked if they were done (everyone else was) and they were like no and as I walked away, one person said "we just got [the paper]..."
like i was crazy
And at the end all the native spanish speakers were discussing in like really advanced Spanish & I hope my participation grade didn't drop cuz I didn't say s*hit. but then again, none of the other nonnative speakers did either. It was horrible, although I think we got a decent grade because our questions were good and we did try to participate.

It was so embarrassing. In English is one thing, but this type of interactive Spanish (with checking on the groups especially cuz it was so awkward) was awful.
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Well-known member
Don't feel so bad about it. I remember my oral exams (had 'em for all three of my classes) and they were a nightmare. One of my Japanese exams called for me and two other boys to come up with a skit and, when I got up in front of everyone, let's just say that "being terrified" was an understatement. How I escaped was to be comedic about it. I acted "cool":rolleyes: and basically made a fool of myself. I was too busy laughing at myself to worry about screwing up, so try some humor in your next test. Most of the kids in there are just as nervous as you, trust me:). I've met Hispanics that were in Spanish and I spoke better than they did at times. As long as you passed, that's the important part. You can tune up later. If someone tries to give you a hard time, tell them that you're learning and that they should get off of your back.


Well-known member
It's hard speaking infront of class... or infront of an audience in general.

I used to turn it into something very dramatic- usually borderlining (pfff- who am I trying to kid?) on ridiculous and over the top.
Made people laugh with me instead of at me AND got marks for participation.
That was what worked for me, anyway.


Well-known member
for some reason I experience 0 nerves when it comes to public speaking if I have memorized what I'm supposed to say. So 99% of the time, I just memorize what I have to say, then after that is memorized, I memorize the body language and voice inflection I will use for it. The more I have prepared, the less nerves I have.

But if somebody was to try to talk to me 1 on 1, forget it lol. I'd be frozen up like you wouldn't believe. They'd probably be weirded out how I went from normal speaking in front of people to awkward guy who has no social skills


Well-known member
I just had to comment on this because I am doing a presentation in my Spanish class in a couple of weeks. We have to teach the class something and then give them a game to play and then give them a quiz on it! We have to do the whole thing in Spanish. I am terrified. At least I get to have a partner, but still... this is going to be harder than anything I have done before.

Sounds like it was a tough thing to get through and even though it was difficult and you felt really awkward, you did it. I think you did a great job and should be proud of yourself.