Something that hurts more than just you in pain..


Well-known member
I figured that the most painful episodes isn't about getting a cut on your finger, or going through illness episode. It's more about seeing your loved ones in pain and there is nothing you can do about :/

This morning I heard my dog vomiting and she started shivering. She wouldn't eat (no! not even her favorite treats!), she kept drinking and she didn't even have the strength to walk about.

It was really killing me. I couldn't get her vet and I quickly rushed her down to the clinic as fast as I could. The vet (not the one she usually sees) gave her a blood test and it turns out that her liver enzymes are superly high.

Well, this little beloved of mine has gone through a lot of stuffs with me. She had breast cancer, liver failure, diabetes, cataracts, hypercorticism, eye infection, what else? :/

We've won through most of the battles.. her liver was getting a lot better but the result of this blood test nearly made my heart stopped.

Now she's on a drip the vet kept telling me it's nothing serious and don't me to relax because I was on the verge of breaking down.

When he looked through the medical records (my dog is 11 btw), he looked at me and said, "You are a very good owner." I was pretty startled and asked him why. He said that most owners wouldn't want to keep a problematic dog like that but I still hang on to her and gave her life.

Maybe to some of you it's no big deal but yeah, I broke down when he said that. The same thing happened to me the previous time when my usual vet said the same thing to me and we both ended up crying together (x_x);

Sometimes, I just find myself so useless. I couldn't even do anything to help relieve her of her sufferings, all I could do is wait, and watch her in pain.

P/S: I added this thread just to vent out my emotions.. so yeah :/


Well-known member
I figured that the most painful episodes isn't about getting a cut on your finger, or going through illness episode. It's more about seeing your loved ones in pain and there is nothing you can do about :/

I agree. It is horrible to see someone you love is in pain. I hate feeling helpless in those situations.
I hope your dog gets better, and that you two get to be together much longer. It sounds like you take great care of her. She must be very important to you.


Maybe to some of you it's no big deal

It is a big deal when it's your pet.I don't think there is anything stronger than the bond made between some dog's and people.They give us unconditional love and and really are family (or a pack in there eyes).

She is lucky to have an owner like you,while I'm sure it's not an easy decision,some people do end up abandoning a dog once it has on going health issues.I know if I had no food in the house and it came down to me or my pets having food,I would starve before they did lol.It's pretty obvious you would do anything for your's too.

There is nothing more you can/could do right now and she is in good hands with the vet,though I hope everything go's as smoothly as possible for you and wishing her a speedy recovery.
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Well-known member
you're very right and i know somewhat how you're feeling.. my dog is literally like my child. my heart breaks at the thought of her passing or getting lost or something. watching her vomit is so sad, too :( she just does it randomly if she's eaten her food too fast or had fruit, but i feel so bad for her and she looks so sad! i'm very lucky she is only a year and a half old and she hasn't had any major health issues.. you are an amazing pet owner to have treated your dog with such love and care :) i wish more people really cared for and truly loved their pets the way you seem to! best wishes to you and your pup and i hope she recovers quickly!! <3


Well-known member
The replies from you all just made me cried ><
she aspires me to become a vet but I'm too emotional with them.. It'd be bad if a dog comes in with bleeding n it's crying I end up crying with it =.=

Do any of you know if there are actually like research just for the better well being of animals?


Well-known member
Just want to thank you all for the encouragement and such..

We've won many battles together, but we've lost this time round. She has made her way to the rainbow bridge about 2 hours ago.

This is the end of my life.
My life is now gone, so am I.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Just want to thank you all for the encouragement and such..

We've won many battles together, but we've lost this time round. She has made her way to the rainbow bridge about 2 hours ago.

This is the end of my life.
My life is now gone, so am I.


I'm so sorry to hear that. Try to take comfort from the good and happy life she had with you, and that a part of her lives on as long as you keep her memory alive in your heart.


Well-known member
My pet cockatiel was sick about three months ago, she vomited, and that is very bad in a bird. The vet said there was a good chance she wouldn't make it. I was devastated with grief and concern.

Lenny did make it and I get to spend more time with this bright little soul.

However, I wondered if I would get another pet, knowing that one day you will lose them? I think I would because of the company, unconditional love and distraction from the worries about yourself that pets bring you.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry. I honestly don't think there's any worse pain than what you are feeling right now. My last dog passed 8 years ago and I did not think I could go on living. I seriously considered suicide - I came very close to carrying it out but I just didn't have the guts. I'm now glad I didn't do it. To end my pain, only to cause pain to my family would have been so unfair to them and so extremely selfish of me. I don't know how I survived the months of grief, but I did. I cried every day for months. You never get over it - but you do learn to live with it.What helped me through the first 6 months of darkness was reading every book the library had on the subject of life after death.A lot of those books have convincing things about how we will be reunited with our pets eventually when we cross to the other side ourselves. I also got a lot of comfort from watching shows with psychic mediums like John Edward, James van Praagh and Sylvia Browne.
For a long time you will feel an actually literal, physical pain in your heart that you can't imagine will ever go away. But the day will come when you realise you can go on, albeit with that sadness always deep in your heart. We can't escape that pain - we can't have the love without the pain, and life wouldn't be worth living without that kind of love.I know right now you can't imagine a future without your precious angel, because you really need to go through all the natural stages of grieving first. God bless you for being such a loving and responsible dog-owner.


Well-known member
Just want to thank you all for the encouragement and such..

We've won many battles together, but we've lost this time round. She has made her way to the rainbow bridge about 2 hours ago.

This is the end of my life.
My life is now gone, so am I.

I'm so sorry for your loss. :( I know what it feels like, it's very painful (my cat was killed in an accident 6 years ago). You were a responsible, loving owner who did everything you could to keep her healthy, so I'm sure your pet loved you just as much and appreciated everything you did for her.
I know what you're going through.
My cat, who was my best friend since I met him in Switzerland on a trip to visit my sister when I was 10 died 6 years ago, and I still miss him.
He wouldn't eat. He was getting more skinny. He seemed depressed. I took him to the vet and they said something was wrong with his liver.
Once before when he got sick I thought it was the end. But he was strong and kept fighting. He ate his food when the doctor said it's very uncommon for pets with such a high fever to keep eating.
The most painful part was having to watch him suffer. And the night before he passed, it was as if he knew he was dying. Where he previously just wanted to be left alone, that night he insisted on getting in my lap. He wanted to be with me one last time before he left. I remember waking up the next morning, seeing him lying on the floor with his eyes open just looking at me. I got up so quick and went to him and petted him and told him how much I loved him. I took a quick shower, and by the time I got out he was gone. I broke down and cried while petting him.
It's very hard watching someone who you love and share a relationship with pass on. It's no different with animals. He understood me and we both shared a bond for all those years. I get choked up just talking about it.
I share your pain and hope you will be alright. *hugs*


): i'm very sorry. you said there wasn't anything you could do about it, but it sounds like you did everything you could.
don't be silly, it's not the end of you! :) it would be great if you did find something to do to care and help other dogs, and other animals if you'd like. if you really want to, you could be a vet. you would have to encourage yourself to focus on helping the animal, instead of letting it get you down. you would be helping other people who are going through what you went through. i think you may be pretty motivated to help, and it would help you to learn to realize you do the best you can, and it's very rewarding to know that the best you can do is good enough and really helped an animal's life.
but you can do many other things to contribute to animal's lives, like fostering a dog, or dogs. there are so many of them who have to be put to sleep because they didn't have somewhere to go. it would be hard to foster and bond with a dog, then let it go, but i think it would also make you happy to see a dog leave healthy or knowing it will get the help it needs.
you can also volunteer at shelters and you can donate the dog food you may already have.

i recently lost my dog too. he was dog aggressive and we didn't know that when we adopted him. we had a trainer at on point, which helped, but we couldn't do the traveling and spend as much as we were on it. years later he got out of our backyard and attacked two dogs. one didn't make it.. so we had to put our dog to sleep because of that law (not sure what it was exactly but he had to be "destroyed" after killing another dog). i felt terrible that he did that, but even worse knowing my dog had to go too.. that morning he was sitting in front of me, protecting me, as my dad was yelling at me.
i hope you feel better. sorry if my story didn't really help.


Yeah sorry to hear that ::(:.The bond we can build with animals can become so strong.But even though she has passed try and remember you gave her the best life she could have,she was well looked after and knew she was loved.

Some people would of given up a dog with on going health problems,you really did everything for her that you could.I promise it will get easier with time,and until then just know you were a bloody good owner,and at least now she isn't any pain or discomfort.

Best wishes