so what exactly do normal people do?


Well-known member
I can only give you my experience, of course. At 18 and 19 I went through two phases socially. The first half I was still hanging out with my closest female friend. At lunch we'd take walks in groups and chat over food. After school she and I would walk home together and either walk our dogs for a few hours together or just hang out at her house and chat and watch TV, sometimes do homework...girls talk a lot. ;) On weekends she'd host small parties or get togethers with high school friends. The latter half of that year I was starting to meld with a group of 12 people, 6 girls and 6 guys that became friends during the grad trip in Cancun. That group did everyyyything together. We visited each other's cottages, went to see movies, went out for coffee or meals, attended parties, or just hung out at each other's houses.

Makes me kind of nostalgic. :)

Please don't be embarrassed to ask though. I must admit I wonder sometimes what the majority of 25 year olds do as it seems most of them just go out and drink together. It's just not my thing.


Well-known member
when i take a look at most of my facebook contacts' photos, i see most of them partying, eating or shopping. but looks really boring and pointless to me.


Well-known member
shopping, watching sports, career goals, hobby talks...

That's what I consider normal. Everything that goes against the majority is abnormal. But normal has many definitions. Nobody ever said that abnormal is bad.


Well-known member
Who is even to know what normal is, when I was young the things I did were definitely not seen by others as normal, but what the hell I was happy in my own way and have no regrets.

I would say that normal kids do what ever they are comfortable with. So long as you are happy with the outcomes which result from your actions, then I would say, "Who cares about normal!"

Hope that made sense:confused:


Well-known member
Yeah pretty much: go to their jobs, hang out with friends (movies, shopping, traveling, sightseeing, partying etc). When they're at home, most will be stuck at facebook, playing videogames (for guys mainly), surf the net, or streaming moves/tv programmes. Not much different really, except they get out and socialize more than people with anxiety.


Staff member
Yeah im my experience just that, the same old same old that we SA'ers do but with more freinds and chatting. You still can have limited freinds and family with SA and chat to them to some extent.


Well-known member
get up go to work, go home, eat, watch tv , go on spw , get drunk fri nights , your not missing much lol :)


Well-known member
I guess it depends on the crowd you hang out with, some young people this age party alot, and then there are some that don't party much but do stuff like movies and meeting up for coffee. Yet there are others who are very heavily involved in school work or activities that they barely have time to do anything else. From 18-19, I actually did had a pretty good year in spite of everything else that was going on. I had a really close friend whom I did lots of fun things with- lots and lots of shopping, hanging out at all the in places, trying out restaurants and all, but then we fall out later on so we never did these things again.


my younger sister has a pretty lively social life. I know she goes to the beach with her friends, shopping, movies, and of course smoking, drinking etc.