So, what exactly causes SA?


Well-known member
I just want to know what started mine. Was it tragic events in my lifetime? From when i was little? Maybe i couldn't deal with my emotions correctly since i was a little girl when i went through traumatic events. Idk, i just feel like if i went back and tried to figure out the cause, then i could confront it and put it away.


Well-known member
Knowing the cause might make you feel a bit better, because then you at least know what caused your SA, but I don't think it will actually help you in any other way. The SA is still gonna be there. The process of trying to find the cause might help you though, becase it is possible that you will learn things about yourself that can help you understand your SA.


Well-known member
I suppose it could be that traumatic events trigger something if there is an existing predisposition.

There is also the question whether the events in question had a greater impact than otherwise because of that predisposition. In that case it is the other way around - the disposition affected the perception of the events, rather than events affecting an existing predisposition.

I feel I also experienced traumatic events as a child. Other people say they were bad experiences, but does underlying sensitivity exaggerate them? I am not the only one without an idyllic childhood.


Well-known member
My family says I was abused by my nanny at age 2-3, but dunno if that contributed to my SA. I can't recall this anyway.


Well-known member
dunno but i do know my mother was like it , maybe passed down from her , but iv always been shy even as a child , but mine is only mild so its not to bad


Well-known member
I think mine was because i was never social in school. Even in kindergarten, and then as the years went by, i kept to myself. I was always seen as the quiet, shy, loner. lol but everyone knew OF me, but they didn't really know who i was.


Well-known member
When i talk to people i'm not comfortable with, i tend to ramble and talk fast, and stutter. I can't get my point across whenever i talk.


Well-known member
When i talk to people i'm not comfortable with, i tend to ramble and talk fast, and stutter. I can't get my point across whenever i talk.

I have an actual speech disorder that is most likely caused by a brain abnormality. I stutter even when I talk to people I am totally comfortable my hubby.