No one is 100% wrong yet no one is 100% right.
So let's say that shyness is a personality trait. Why exactly can't it ever be overcome if that is the desire of the person?
The way we feel about ourselves and behave depends on our thoughts.
No one has to fake confidence to feel confident.
Hidden would be much better off changing his thoughts then to marinate in self-pity all day and all night about how shy he is and that there is nothing he can do about it because its a personality trait.
You say it as if its genetic or something.
Its not like something more permanent like cerebal paulsy or diabetes(although I believe these things can be reversed with natural remedies).
Which sounds better to you,
"I am too shy to go make friends. I guess I can't really help it. I have always been this way. There's no way I can have a normal level of self-esteem. I will always be shy. That's just how I am. Oh well...."
Or this,
"I know I have been struggling with feelings of shyness for much of my life. But that doesn't mean I have to stay shy forever. I choose to be more confident in everything about myself. Not so I can be approved by others, but so that I can approve of myself."
You decide.
The reason why Hidden might think he is shy is because of his reaction to certain situations. He chose to react in a way that makes him think, feel, and act like he is shy, whether he realizes it or not.
umm shyness does have a strong genetic basis..experts will tell you they can tell the shy infants from the extroverted up on it and u will see, shyness is not something you choose not to be...
look, i dont know Hidden but most of us that are shy realize we are and arent trying to pretend we are..we have lived with this for many years..some of us have improved our confidence and reduced our shyness to varying levels but at the base of our personality, we are still shy, it is part of who we not saying completely give up and dont try to change but you act as if its a personal decision which is honestly think there are guys out there that choose to remain shy when it has been a huge burden and barrier for them their entire lives?
wallowing in self pity all day is no good but neither is the opposite, believing in some fairy tale that he/she can completely change their personality by simply 'willing' themselves to do all for positive thinking but lets not be delusional..