Sexual harassment through text


is it illegal to ask a girl for a picture of her breasts through a text message? a few days ago I asked a girl if she would send me a pic like this and she got mad. she was actually really mean about it. I apologized but was a bit confused because over the summer she sent me a picture of herself in a skimpy bathrobe with a bit cleavage revealed. Thats not EVER something I would just ask a girl out of the blue but, considering that bathrobe picture she sent, I thought maybe it wouldnt be an unreasonable request...Im just worried now that she might try to say it was sexual harassment or something.


Well-known member
Just walk away from this situation. Maybe she took offense to you asking for a topless photo.


yeah i know. im just saying one time she sent me a picture of her scantily clad in a little bathrobe without me even asking her to..So my request of a topless photo wasnt exactly out of left field or anything. She acted like I was a total creep just for ASKING and then she insulted me multiple times. after that she told me to leave her alone, which I DID.. I didnt expect her to even be offended. its not like she was a complete stranger or something. i had been talking to her for over year. anyway, idk whether or not she would try to claim its sexual harassment so thats what i was worried about. Girls sometimes tend to make guys out to be completely in the wrong in situations like this.
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Well-known member
Yeah just leave it be. You got the wrong idea as to where it was heading. It happens.
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Staff member
She sounds manipulative to me. The 'scantily clad in a little bathrobe' pic she sent without you requesting does seem an odd thing to send to someone you are not intimate with. It does look like suggestive flirting.

Girls sometimes tend to make guys out to be completely in the wrong in situations like this.

I don't agree with this generalisation though.
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Well-known member
Omg technology! What ever happened to asking someone on a date and holding hands? It's all so messed-up now! No one knows how to act. Having been born before the interweb was in everyones hands.. I know that makes me so Seriously things were so much easier and sweeter then. Now everyone sends pics of privates before you even meet the other person it is reallly messed up folks! Does anyone care anymore?