Served a chap in work with sweat dripping from his head.


Well-known member
How do you react to other HH sufferers? I served a man at the store I work,I felt so sorry for him.He looked so uncomfortable and embarrassed,I wanted to say' hey,I know how it feels',I wanted him to feel so at ease with me but I just didn't know what to say or how to react.Sounds crazy but I desperately wanted to do or say something that would make him feel better and make his day better.
Anyone been in this situation?I don't sweat facially but from the neck down...I was soaked under my uniform..


Well-known member
I have met a couple people like that in the past. I remember wanting to talk to them about it and tell them how I can relate, but instead, just tried to make them feel normal by not addressing it or staring at them.


Well-known member
When my hands are dry, sometimes I can feel someone else's moist hand when shaking. I never say anything even though I'd like too.


Well-known member
I have met a couple people like that in the past. I remember wanting to talk to them about it and tell them how I can relate, but instead, just tried to make them feel normal by not addressing it or staring at them.

yeah me2 that's because when i am sweating and panicking i don't want people to talk or stare at me; so i understand them


I had a work colleague who sweated buckets under his pits. Told him about HH and he's been so grateful ever since cos now he has it under control via the strong antiperspirants.


Active member
I guess I'm in a strange position really because now (after going through five sympathectomies many years ago) I have areas of my body that I wish WOULD sweat! These include my face, forehead, scalp, neck, arms, hands and feet. These are mostly stupidly dry, which causes a massive build-up of heat and a nearly-constant burning sensation. Therefore when I see other people sweating through these areas I have (as strange as it might sound) a slight feeling of envy, because (as I've learned) although sweating through these areas is embarrassing, not sweating through them at all can sometimes cause nearly as many problems, such as the aforementioned temperature regulation difficulties.
I think generally, having hyperhidrosis / compensatory hyperhidrosis for so many years as made me realise how important sweating through areas like the face and underarms is for the body, and how you should be thankful for what you do have, because (as I've painfully found out) once it's gone, it's gone. :'(


Well-known member

I have had this situation pop up several times. Being one afflicted by HH we do tend to be more sympathetic to others with the disorder. I have actually handed someone a few tissues and said, "Hey, I fully understand. I sweat like a son of a gun no matter what I do." It did seem to diffuse their severe embarrassment which made me feel good.


Well-known member

I have had this situation pop up several times. Being one afflicted by HH we do tend to be more sympathetic to others with the disorder. I have actually handed someone a few tissues and said, "Hey, I fully understand. I sweat like a son of a gun no matter what I do." It did seem to diffuse their severe embarrassment which made me feel good.

when i am sweating profusely with panic state.. i get relaxed if i see someone sweating also... (this can actually stops my sweating knowing i am not alone and won't attract attention)