self conscious


Well-known member
Anyone else self conscious and freaked out about wearing a bathing suit? Just the thought makes me cringe :? . I want to, know how it is.


Active member
I don't even use shorts and t-shirts at summer. :oops: (outside the house).
Beaches and pools are out of the question for me... I don't swim either, so there is no sense in going there anyway...


Well-known member
This summer I'm not going to be ashamed of my body anymore, since I'm doing all that I can to "fix" it. I've already gone swimming in a lake with a few friends multiple times this year. :D


Well-known member
ewww, yuck. i hate bathing suits. Well I hate swimming so i would never need to wear them. But yeah, me no likey


Well-known member
Darkened said:
I don't even use shorts and t-shirts at summer. :oops: (outside the house).
Beaches and pools are out of the question for me... I don't swim either, so there is no sense in going there anyway...

me either :oops:

but I want to.

I find I enjoy fall/winter alot, less pressure to wear revealing clothing


Would never wear a bikini or swimsuit or shorts actually, in the summer i always go for jeans and a t-shirt (i have to force myselft to wear the tshirt).


Well-known member
Im sssssssoooooo self consious, but I dont mind getting into a bathing suit at all... in front of people i dont know that is. If Im only in a bathing suit in front of people i know, Im afraid that I will attract lots of attention.(apparently im really "cute" and have the nice bod) I hate attention! Anyways, I workout all the time and I take advantage of anytime I can take my clothes off hahahah. It helps with the HH too.


Well-known member
yeah, I'm really self-conscious about how I look, and what others think about me. :\ I don't even own a bathing suit, LOL. And I live in Florida, btw... People think that's strange. Like I went to my doctor about my ear (I couldn't hear through it) and she asked me if I've been going swimming lately and I said, "no, I don't know how to I don't. o___o. And she was like, you don't swim? Not even to the beach?"..... GRRR!! >___<
Who cares anymore??!?! I mean, I don't know how to swim, and I don't feel comfortable in a bathing suit anyway, so who frikkin' cares?? Sorry, I'm venting a little. :\


Well-known member
I can't even consider wearing a t-shirt/shorts at school. I have major skin insecurities and have since before grade 3. I can manage somewhat okay if I am wearing a t-shirt at a place where I wont' see those people ever again, or if I know it won't matter to them. I just hate people that point things out right away, I'd be so embarrassed. I wish I could just not care.