
kind of...I know when it's good or stupid.. and if I know it;s good I'll say it.. but when then whole class, foe example is asked a question, I just think about the question, can't go beyond it...for example the answer lol and that makes me feel stupid, ur SA is stopping u, I'm just plain stupid, so don'
t worry about it :D


Well-known member
I really hold back on answering questions in class. And often times I know it, but I'm not sure about it or of myself so I just don't say anything. But then someone else answers it, or the teacher has to tell everyone it if no one answers and then I feel like "Ugh, I could have gotten that!" But ah well, hopefully for people like us if we lack in the class discussions/answering of questions we can make up for it in written work.


Super Moderator
I barely talk, ask or respond anything unless it's absolutely necesary... People often must forget what my voice sounds like, lol.


Well-known member
I try to sit in the front row in my classes, so I don't see the rest of the class behind me and I just focus in on just the teacher. Then I respond without too much problem... I do sometimes eat crow and feel embarrassed when I say something totally wrong, because God knows medical terminology isn't always easy to pronounce. :rolleyes: