Say something thread


Well-known member
Hi everyone..... I just burnt trash outside...took a shower & am now headed out into the great big world full of crowded shopping wish me luck... 2Crowded is going somewhere thats 2Crowded lol.... oh joy.



Well-known member
i have a problem...

a GUMMY BEAR PROBLEM! Im making myself sick eating them. Holy crap im gonna die!

My fingers even smell like gummy bears. Sick sick sick


Well-known member
SleepingBeauty said:
i have a problem...

a GUMMY BEAR PROBLEM! Im making myself sick eating them. Holy crap im gonna die!

My fingers even smell like gummy bears. Sick sick sick

Eww. I don't even like gummy bears! :D


Well-known member
jelly babies ftw! lols! gummy bears hurt my mouth!

(at first when i read your post sleepingbeauty i thought you were talking about THE Gummi Bears, i was like huh...poor cubbi!lols)


Well-known member
I did it.....finaly home now...long night...but I did ok really..most everything went smooth...I'm getting better at these things little by by day....small steps...even did something I wouldnt have done...had I known exactly how it would go ahead of time...but hey it worked out for the better that way....Sorry I kept you waiting miss_amy... I was just a ride I didnt have total control of the time frame of my evening. I was able to purchase the things I was looking for though & had a meal in a crowded restaurant...luckily the hostess sat us in a nice corner table & I actualy enjoyed myself for a change...I was facing a wall but stil....I did good considering.

Go Me! :wink:


Well-known member
My stomach feels strange. I have a big school assignment to do and I must spend all my awake time working on it till thursday. I hope but doubt that it will be good enough. :(


Well-known member
It was my birthday today....yesterday for some of you.....will be yesterday for me too in about 23 minutes.


Well-known member
LAtest 3-4 days I have been working with school assignment most of the time during both day and night. Clock is 6:35 here atm. I have not slept yet. Luckly there hasn't been any obigatorial school presence this week, except for today at 8:00. I hopr I will not fall asleep during the 1h meeting. Nothing makes me more tired than boring meetings. In face it's perhaps the only time I really get sleepy. I'm still not ready with the assignment. It is to be done tomorrow on thursday 17:00. I still have quite a bit work left. I can only hope to finnish it in time. :(