SA only a problem for introvert/shy types?


Well-known member
I'm just wondering what or to what degree the relationship is between introversion, shyness and social anxiety?
Is it like 3 levels? And SA is the extreme, unhealthy progression?
Can you have SA without being shy?
Can you be shy without being introverted?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm just wondering what or to what degree the relationship is between introversion, shyness and social anxiety?
Is it like 3 levels? And SA is the extreme, unhealthy progression?
Can you have SA without being shy?
Can you be shy without being introverted?

Aye, ah would say... (Sorry need tae huv a think aboot yer questions there). :thinking: Eh, aye, tae some degree ah'd say SA is more a problem for introvert/shy types than extrovert, speakin' fur ma introverted self.

Ah definitely think there's a relationship between SA, shyness and introversion. Since there's a element of shyness to social anxiety, just depends how extreme it is, though. Ah mean, we're all get shy now and then, even extroverts. So ah definitely think ya can be shy withoot being introverted, even if it's just a wee bit. But ah don't think ye can huv SA without being extremely shy or, in ma case, socially awkward.

So... eh, there ye are - that ma thoughts on the topic. :) Ah hope that made more sense written doon than it did in ma mind? :confused:
And hopefully ye understood aw that? Ah know the Scottish accent/dialect doesnae travel well, hahaha!


Well-known member
I think those three are related somehow. People who are introverted are more likely to be shy. But not all. Introverted people don't socialize much with others, so others think they are shy.

SA, i think it's higher than the other two. It can cause us strong depression, strong enough to make us go to the doctor, or intend to suicide. Since it's a mental issue, anyone can be suffered by it. But shy people are more likely to have SA, of course


Well-known member
we're all get shy now and then, even extroverts. So ah definitely think ya can be shy withoot being introverted, even if it's just a wee bit. But ah don't think ye can huv SA without being extremely shy or, in ma case, socially awkward.

So... eh, there ye are - that ma thoughts on the topic. :) Ah hope that made more sense written doon than it did in ma mind? :confused:
And hopefully ye understood aw that? Ah know the Scottish accent/dialect doesnae travel well, hahaha!

Oh yes good point anyone can be shy at some point or another, thanks for your thoughts, eye I canee understand ney prorplem pal :)

SA, i think it's higher than the other two. It can cause us strong depression, strong enough to make us go to the doctor, or intend to suicide. Since it's a mental issue, anyone can be suffered by it. But shy people are more likely to have SA, of course

That kinda helps separate them out a bit yea thanks. Related but not intrinsic I guess :thinking:


Well-known member
I'm just wondering what or to what degree the relationship is between introversion, shyness and social anxiety?
Is it like 3 levels? And SA is the extreme, unhealthy progression?
Can you have SA without being shy?
Can you be shy without being introverted?

All of those are definitely intertwined.

I'll put it this way. You can be introverted without being shy, but you can't be extroverted while being shy. If you have shyness, you have both introversion and SA.

People will disagree with me but whatever. This is what i believe.


Well-known member
I think it can affect traditionally outgoing people. It's just that they can mask their anxiety better than a traditionally shy person with SA.

I remember attending a support group where you would see most people shrinking into their chairs. But one guy was quite boisterous and visually appeared confident, calm and spoke often.

Although maybe he's only like that when around other anxious people. Who knows? I don't think it is only a problem for introverted types, but introverted people may have a tougher time with it.


This is a really good question.

I do like being on my own but mostly that's because I don't like how nervous I get when I have to deal with people, so if I weren't so nervous in dealing with people, then maybe I would want to be around them more… I don't actually hate the people (well, some I do) and I do sometimes feel urges to get out there and entertain and be an amazing exciting person… but then when I do go out I just end up disappointed by myself as well as the people around me.

I would think that a true introvert would be comfortable with being alone and not use their alone time to beat themselves up for not getting what they want out of life-- because what they want would be lots of alone time and only minimal amounts of socializing. If an extrovert had SA, then maybe they would feel absolutely awful about how they're not being true to themselves because they have this thing.

So yeah, I think it might be possible for SA to affect extroverts as well.


Well-known member
I think I'm an extrovert (or an ambivert), definitely not an introvert. I don't suffer from SAD either.

I'm a weird case.


Well-known member
Interesting feedback thanks vurry much! My bf who is very confident and assertive says he suffers with SA sometimes and I always laugh at him, but maybe it is possible, I'm starting to think it can be due to something happening in your life to make you unsure of your self and your place in the world, or a progression of shyness, or both, and perhaps I'll take introversion out of the mix because of the high percentage of people who are introverted but socially functional, although it does seem likely that you have introverted qualities if you have SA because of the whole inner world, focusing within, thing. Will probably change my mind at some point down the line though...


Well-known member
I do like being on my own but mostly that's because I don't like how nervous I get when I have to deal with people, so if I weren't so nervous in dealing with people, then maybe I would want to be around them more… I don't actually hate the people (well, some I do) and I do sometimes feel urges to get out there and entertain and be an amazing exciting person… but then when I do go out I just end up disappointed by myself as well as the people around me.

I would think that a true introvert would be comfortable with being alone and not use their alone time to beat themselves up for not getting what they want out of life-- because what they want would be lots of alone time and only minimal amounts of socializing. If an extrovert had SA, then maybe they would feel absolutely awful about how they're not being true to themselves because they have this thing.

So yeah, I think it might be possible for SA to affect extroverts as well.

Good question, I always ask myself this, how much of my lack of talking, interacting is to do with a natural quietness and how much is just fear of saying the wrong thing. I'd somehow like to get rid of this fear of saying the wrong thing, 'disappointing myself', and then see what's what.
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According to a book I read on introversion, the difference between introversion and extroversion is the amount of stimulation you're comfortable in. If long periods of social activity or social situations with many people wears you out then you're most likely more introverted. If you can't stand being along and not having people to talk to then you're most likely an extrovert.

As for shyness and SA, I think it's probably most common for introverts to be shy because they have less practice with social situations because they are much more comfortable by themselves or with people they are familiar with. This isn't always the case. You can be a pseudo-extrovert and have a very extroverted personality of being outgoing but still be worn out by social interaction.

I think there's nothing wrong with being an introvert or being a little shy. SA is the only thing I would worry about because anxiety from social situations can make life extremely difficult.


I'm just wondering what or to what degree the relationship is between introversion, shyness and social anxiety?
Is it like 3 levels? And SA is the extreme, unhealthy progression?
Can you have SA without being shy?
Can you be shy without being introverted?

Hottest Topic!

I never like being told what I can't do.

I wish there was an extreme test at Primary School, or before.

My reaction might have been to tolerate and accept advice, and followed instructions. My football & Rugby coach told my parents that I would get better over time... don't worry

Brothers' wives told me I'd never have a girlfriend when I was 10

Parents never knew who I was or understood what I did or said. They just made food for me to eat. and never spoke, whatever I said

The heart of my life and despondency was terrible due to stupid parents
or maybe I was born with a medical problem I've never been aware of, which has gone undiagnosed