

Active member
:lol: I play runescape too.. my acc name is Redridnhood. I also made a char and gave it away to some kid I know that acc is a master acc Ronijamesdio. :wink:


Well-known member
i also play sometimes,now that i can change my name it's "scream names" :)
138 cb and 99 slayer is like no life ,eh? lol.

lol wait,that's an old topic,grr. :p


Well-known member
hmm i did play it for a time. i quite enjoyed it actually. i think my overall level was around 40.


Well-known member
I used to OWN at runescape back in the day!
Can't remember my numerous accounts and passwords though. :p
You're gonna get me addicted to it again. :D


Well-known member
I used to play, my account was. 99 runecraft and 111 combat I think. I spent way too much time on there, I guess I played because I wanted to be alone and not be so anxious and just relax. It got me away from it all but, didn't help at all, made it worse I think.

I still have members but I rarely log on and if I do it's not for more than 5 minutes.
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Well-known member
I used to play, my account was A1m0stsk8. 99 runecraft and 111 combat I think. I spent way too much time on there, I guess I played because I wanted to be alone and not be so anxious and just relax. It got me away from it all but, didn't help at all, made it worse I think.

I still have members but I rarely log on and if I do it's not for more than 5 minutes.

woah,99 rc,that's really crazy,could never make it. :)
but you know ..ive spent too much time on that game also,i stopped playing like 3-4 months ago,but i got membs few weeks ago and started to log in sometimes again,just to talk with some ppl of friend list,nothing more,cause Rs seems lame now and doesnt help with anything at all,like SA,which you mentioned.
Seriously,i dont want to get addicted again to that game just makes things worse.


Active member
I used to play quite a bit, lvl 101. I don't play much since they ruined the game for high levels to protect stupid noobs who don't know what they are doing. Come to think of it... my SA started around the time i started playing a lot... hmm...


Well-known member
99 rc is amazing, I tried and gave up lolll and OMG I'm sooo opposed to that double mats for noobs thing... I hear slayer is going to be the next nerd

however I do have 99 thief hunt Mage range hp str atk and farming;) soon summoning, 500m+ bank

getting mining after summoning, my 2nd fav cape behind my farm ;)

i'm too addicted, bit only for my friends on there;my closest friends know about my SAD and are very supportive. Rs is the only place I can seem to make friends and I wouldn't give it up for the world

user - x zefolia x. (formerly. X x0oio0x X : and changing back in 20 or so days)

you can add me,i already mentioned my rsn. :)
i've told only one person there about my SAD,she's also very understanding and nice.


Well-known member
woah,99 rc,that's really crazy,could never make it. :)
but you know ..ive spent too much time on that game also,i stopped playing like 3-4 months ago,but i got membs few weeks ago and started to log in sometimes again,just to talk with some ppl of friend list,nothing more,cause Rs seems lame now and doesnt help with anything at all,like SA,which you mentioned.
Seriously,i dont want to get addicted again to that game just makes things worse.

Haha, yeah I never thought I'd make it to 99 Runecraft. It actually took me about a year. During that time, that was my main goal in life... looking back at it, I want to punch myself.

And I just looked back and realized that if you're a member they now will show you your total time in game, I was shocked when I saw mine... 3300 hours, or 137 days 12 hours. :mad:
I haven't played in over a year, but yeah i used to play this game looooads. Was great fun. I played it too much though lol, got some pretty high stats. 99 att, def, str, hp, mage, range, pray, 97 slayer, 92 rc. Wtf is dungeoneering? must've brought that out after i quit, is it any good?

I also got heavily into clan wars, mb pking, staking, god wars, etc. but stopped playing it as much when they made all those changes to stop real-world trading. After that, pking, staking, dming weren't the same.

Were any of you in a clan? I was in TD then DI for a long time. That was fun stuff. But nah i'm not gonna play it again. It saps toooo much time.
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Well-known member
Hey, I played it for about 2 years I think. I quit ~2 years ago, so I'm running behind. But maybe I ever play again.::p: My name's Ignace93.
EDIT: Lol, I read this topic and I see 99 here, 138 there .. You're all pro's !:D
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Well-known member
I play quite a bit. If any of you want to add me on there then just send me a message/private message on here and I'll happily give you my username. :p

Honestly, just ask me for it.
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man i was the worst at runescape lol played it at college i was soo bad people donated stuff to me

basically mega noob