Yes, my psychiatrist prescribed it to me. That was around a year ago. I've had a weird experience with it. I'm too slow and lethargic to FEEL anxious but I'm too in my own world, which in turn make me...well, feel a lot of things. I definitely think it was the wrong drug to give me. I'm kind of hooked on feeling apathetic and dull. To me, it's better than having heightened sensations and feeling anxious all the time. I can go to classes now and give eye contact and do normal grown-up things, but I can't perform as well as I used to in classes because my thinking is too slow. Can't sing because my voice lost its "omph" and can't paint or play piano because I'm just not that creative anymore. It's off-label use can be treating anxiety. So I guess that's what my psychiatrist had in mind. I would like to go on anti-depressants though, something more "appropriate" for SA.