lifesnotfair said:
i hate people holding hands, i hate love, i hate seeing it all over the place.. JUST HATE IT. i cannot be happy when i see people like that, i just hate it
then that is your view on it, and no-one but yourself can change that.
Personally i can have had an awful day/period of whatever length of time, ill see my boyfriend and just hold his hand and it just makes me so happy.
I'm lucky to have that, as are the other people who have it..but..
would you hate it, if you had that situation yourself? it seems so wrong to grudge people who have somehting that you want, just because you cant have it.
Thats like seeing a well off family and hating them because theyre well off, when all you want to be is well off...
instead of hating that, inspire for it.
Hate brings nothing but more emotional pressure, not caring releases you as you have no thoughts or feeling about a matter.
Its so cheesy to say, but positive thoughts create a positive person.
Im not positive, i see most things negitavely, but im trying, if i think something bad like 'god i hate people who are amazingly pretty' its 'yeh so im not as pretty as them, but i could change my hair, my face if i really wanted to..but do i want to? no, not really'
As ive said before (so excuse me for repeating myself) don't hate poeple because theyve found what youre looking for, the majority of them will have worked damn hard for it (im not saying you havent) but just dont hate them because theyve succeeded, they have every right to show off what theyve accomplished, just as rich people buy big houses, the only difference being, they cant give it to charity.
masterpiece2: 8)