relationship seems like a lot of work


Well-known member
I had a few relationships in which this was the case. Only one turned out to be long-term and even then it wasn't easy, but most of the time it was a case of going out for a few weeks and then me missing my independence, so ending things.

I know now that the problem was I didn't know these guys well enough. My relationships often started from the very scratch - being 'set up' with them, or meeting them on nights out. The initial attraction was merely physical or because I liked what I first saw of their personality. I still had a lot to learn about them and because we didn't know each other well enough the texts and contact did feel like somewhat of a task to complete within the big process of getting to know each other better.

I've learnt that next time I get into a relationship it'll probably be with somebody who knows me better; who understands things like: I'm not big on texting, and that I need my space.

Relationships shouldn't be hard. You shouldn't need to think about how many texts you've sent that day and whether it's enough. A good relationship is one that flows naturally and doesn't try and stick to any set rules and I strongly believe in relationships whereby the two people have known each other for a long time and don't have to go through that initial process of working each other out.


Well-known member
Yeah i'm not sure. It's just my bf texts everday after 6 months and it's tiring.... It's to keep communication going but it's so much communication :eek: I try to keep my responses short now so it will be short conversations but I would rather talk less and more detailed with space inbetween. We hung out two days ago and he already wants to hangout again. I can understand if your married and happen to see eachother everday but dating and having to drive over and plan a date isn't really fun 2 twice a week.

If you think planning dates twice a week is more trouble than it is fun, then I'd suggest that this relationship is not right for you! At this point you two should be excited to see each other whenever you can.
As for long-term relationships/marriage, yes, they are a lot of work, and it doesn't get any easier as it goes on.