Recharging yourself


Well-known member
lay in my warm bed, surfing the net, away from people.

people are complicated and exhausting. my entire day is spent with my energy focused on trying to adapt, seem normal, and hold it together. "masking my contempt for the *ssholes in charge." between 9-5:30, i am not a human, i am a work-horse machine-vessel-thing shed of need, want, or identity. by the time i get off of work i am SO over it.


Well-known member
lay in my warm bed, surfing the net, away from people.

people are complicated and exhausting. my entire day is spent with my energy focused on trying to adapt, seem normal, and hold it together. "masking my contempt for the *ssholes in charge." between 9-5:30, i am not a human, i am a work-horse machine-vessel-thing shed of need, want, or identity. by the time i get off of work i am SO over it.
Being in a situation where your job feels so soulless, you would certainly want to be away for as long as possible. It also sounds like you need a new job, despite the improvements in this one, as I feel it's sucking the life out of you. Just an observation and I hope I'm wrong. :)


Well-known member
Being in a situation where your job feels so soulless, you would certainly want to be away for as long as possible. It also sounds like you need a new job, despite the improvements in this one, as I feel it's sucking the life out of you. Just an observation and I hope I'm wrong. :)

yes, you are right. not so easy in this economy to shop for a job. i feel "grateful" to have this right now. :/

eta: i should be honest, i have contempt for every job i work. all of them are soul-sucking. it makes me miserable knowing that i am cranking out work, making peanuts, while some jerk at the top is living large off of my slave-labor. maybe someday i can go full speed self-employed.

sorry to thread-hijack!!! *deep breaths* back on subject...
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oral sex

or maybe a dvd rental, perhaps a nice light, romantic comedy

Usually goes sth like this: Get back on pc (& find some real mentally-absorbing stuff to do, usu some goal/project) --> have a massive binge on choclate/biscuits --> look at some porn & jerk th' gerkin (memories of women in town usu cause this) --> hit the grog --> maybe play some hard/aggro music once booze has kicked-in.
Basically i usually have to do my ABSOLUTE HEAVY-HITTERS for dealing with ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM STRESS, as i am very very anxious/nervy upon return, and my mood is f*cked. So i do what i need to do just to get thru it (which i am doing right now, as went to town today)

It's funny tho, as i seem as calm on the surface as usual, and i don't sem to be aware of having any specific crazy/stressful thoughts related to the days events, but at the same time my feelings are driving me CRAZY-AS ... so i guess my it must be that my subconscious is working overtime, & consequently wreaking total havoc with my mood/feelings/nerves??


I like to just sit in my car and put on some good music.

I love that. Me and my /////Alpine subwoofer. Isolation, but fetching the best memories of life

I am always in the best mood, and ready to start work in an office after a good hour's drive in the morning, and look forward to the journey home.

Of course, I am fully willing to do the daily London commute with an iPoddy. Good years. Nobody speaks. Home at 20:00