realising things


Well-known member
today i went to the hospital to pick up my mate who hurt him self busted his arm ... whilst i was waiting outside the hospital , there was this girl she looked about 20 she was in a wheel chair being sick in a little bowl with her mother next to her , i walked up to her mother and said hey is she ok , she just looked at me and said its cancer ::(: i was speachless i did say will she be ok long term she just looked at me and said no , she just wanted to go outside for a while ....... the poor kid was just being sick and looked really really ill .... makes you realise how bad other peoples lives are sometimes dont it ... bet she wishes she had sa and not cancer ::(: sad thread me know ...... be glad you have your health , when thats gone then we all really have something to complain about ... dunno why im telling you this but the poor kid , lets all pray for her ........


Well-known member
Awww bless her. ::(:

yea me know lol i did feel sorry for her , hey i remember you on the right on wrong thread about giving the kid some sweets , you said sour faced old cow she should be gratefull :D that did make me laugh lol .......
:/ I once had cancer symptoms and thought I had it, for like three months, so i can imagine how the gilr feels, her fear of death and some what of the pain..its very scary.. :/


Things really change out of perspective once you step outside in the real world. SA-er's usually dwell in their minds and believe they're having it bad. I realize this a long time ago, just that there are times when my thoughts overcome me and I go nuts.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
There's at least one girl here who has cancer and SA. And others who have been through both. I did 10 years of chemo myself for my autoimmune crap, and I can tell you that didn't do wonders for my socializing. It does make me realize how much better off I am now, though.


Well-known member
yea me know lol i did feel sorry for her , hey i remember you on the right on wrong thread about giving the kid some sweets , you said sour faced old cow she should be gratefull :D that did make me laugh lol .......

Lmao oh yes hehehe, yeah she shoulda been gratefull you were being kind! :)


Well-known member
:/ I once had cancer symptoms and thought I had it, for like three months, so i can imagine how the gilr feels, her fear of death and some what of the pain..its very scary.. :/

yes dont know what type of cancer she had , some types are worse than others ... my mother had it the worst kind ::eek:: its hard for the girl and prob harder for the mother , i mean no one wants to outlive there kids do they , and to see your kid go through that , god i have kids and i dont even want to think about it ... you wish you could change places with your child but cant the feeling of helplessness must be awfull , as i said lets all pray or at least let our thoughts be with her , i know mine are ::eek::


Well-known member
I've been paranoid enough to feel that I might have symptoms of cancer, too. But I really don't think that would be anyyyyyyyyything compared to actually having it, so I can only imagine what it must be like for her. Going through all the struggles... chemo...losing your hair, etc. I don't have any prayers, but I hope for the best for her!


Active member
Many years ago I used to attend alcoholics anonymous and in one of the first meetings it is customary to introduce yourself and state how much time you have sober. So I said "Hi my name is Uncle and I have 9 days sober". I can't remember what I said after that. The other people at the meeting all had a lot of sober time, but one guy said it was a long time since he was at a meeting with a someone with so little time and he thanked me. It made him think back to when he was at the begining of his battle.

The reality is we all get complacent and sometimes we need to hear storys like this girl and her mom. It does put things in perspective.


Well-known member
That's awful mrb. Despite seeing people who are in 100 times worse situations than me i still can't get out of my self pitying state.


That's awful mrb. Despite seeing people who are in 100 times worse situations than me i still can't get out of my self pitying state.

That's not unusual, take celebrities for instances. Christopher Reeve wouldn't even be a activist for stem cell research if he didn't need it. We're all selfish till the day we die...


Well-known member
my mother found a lump years b4 she died on her breast , she was to scared to go to the doctors , she left it and left it ...... then it was to late it spread through her body and killed her , she never told us about the lump , all very sad really she would be still alive today if she had gone to the docs about it ....


Well-known member
my mother found a lump years b4 she died on her breast , she was to scared to go to the doctors , she left it and left it ...... then it was to late it spread through her body and killed her , she never told us about the lump , all very sad really she would be still alive today if she had gone to the docs about it ....

Nearly identical story to my mum. She left it and ended up in hospital for ages. Her cancer was treatable but she has permanent damage because of the delay.


Well-known member
Nearly identical story to my mum. She left it and ended up in hospital for ages. Her cancer was treatable but she has permanent damage because of the delay.

thats good she got it sorted lol running away like my mother did just signed her death warrent , wasent her fault not really she was scared and had sa so she didnt want to go to the doctors , but how things could be diff if she seeked help ....... ::eek::


Well-known member
Thanks for that mrb. My mum only got help at the last possible moment. She had one collapsed lung and the other was filling with fluid so she could hardly breathe, so she was forced to get help. Looking back it was a really close call. She hid alot of what was wrong and was severely underweight, just skin and bones really. It must have scared the hell out of her. Cancer is a really nasty thing. Sorry to hear about your mum.