rate the last film you watched


Well-known member
Kick-Ass. It was okay! Not as what I was expecting, but it wasn't awful. Lotsa violence if you're into that kinda thing. My first rated 18 movie too! :p errr, I don't know how/like rating things.


Well-known member
Kick-Ass. It was okay! Not as what I was expecting, but it wasn't awful. Lotsa violence if you're into that kinda thing. My first rated 18 movie too! :p errr, I don't know how/like rating things.

Kick-Ass rated 18? In what province? It's PG13 in Quebec. Movies are rarely rated 18 here.

Anyway, I watched The Lovely Bones. It was good, very beautiful movie.


Well-known member
Kick-Ass rated 18? In what province? It's PG13 in Quebec. Movies are rarely rated 18 here.

Anyway, I watched The Lovely Bones. It was good, very beautiful movie.

BC! And whoaaaa. It had like, mega violence, whole lot of the word "f..." and sex (where you didn't see anything, but still).


Well-known member
Nightmare on Elm Street (remake) It was okay as far as horror movies go! Not too into that kinda thing, but my friends are.


Well-known member
Clash of the Titans: 3 out 5. The graphics and story were good, some aspects of it reminded me a lot of Avatar, but the action was just too fast paced and a little bland for me. Left you wanting more and not in a good way...


well i agree with you on the ending i know it was supposed to artsy an all but i wanted to see some major killings and explpsions and the crazy guy with a strange haircut going on a rampage and getting mowed down by the police


Well-known member
sorry mate but i thought it was crap::p:

I liked it but it was kind of unsatisfying how they killed of the main character and you didn't even see. Cohen brothers are so hit and miss. Last one of theirs I watched was a huge piece of crap. Ordinary man I think it was called.


Well-known member
The Road: 6.5/10

I was so hyped for this movie but in the end it was such a disappointment because there aren't a lot of things happening in that movie.