Not posted for some time on this site time but used to be active a number of years ago. I had stopped using probanthine for a couple of years but due to an impending trip to Toronto, contacted my GP who wrote a prescription immediately. He gave me 114 tablets for a standard £8 charge. Only used about 4 over a 3 day period, prior to the worst potential situations but they worked a treat. Only needed 1 each time which would keep me dry or almost dry for 4 - 5 hours. Attending a wedding in Toronto in late June could have been a nightmare (facial sweating until it drips down the sides and front of my face with scalp getting soaked and drips onto collar without physical exertion in hot humid conditions is worst). Unlike others, remainder of body including armpits are fine. Just the head that wants to fill a small puddle up. I live near Swindon btw.