Post your picture thread

Re: nice pic

Wow Depressed4life you look like a model. It seem like all girls wit SA are pretty.

OMFG, are you serious like a model? WHen i was little i used to get picked on by kids. I had braces and glasses and they used to say that i was ugly. I was also a little overweight and i remember having a crush on this guy in the 5th grade and he found out and said that i was middle school it was bad too, and even in HS i used to get harassed. I just graduated this june...well THANKS for the compliment.

Also, i have a sister who is 20 that is always talking about how hot she is and i gues shes jealous that i have a bf and she even said that i am no beauty and that i am not that hot...that she doesn't know what my bf sees....SOrry for saying too much is just that i find it hard to believe that i look like a model...ANYWAYS...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
no1 said:
lol.. here goes nothin..



You look like a gangster lol!!! in the first picture. Like this tough guy don't mess with me kind of stuff lol.


Well-known member
2Crowded said:
recluse said:
miss_amy said:
Having great time here with 2Crowded visiting me in UK. Its really nice finally having a friend, someone to tackle facing the outside world with who understands how it is.

Anyways, heres us.


and 2Crowded on our walk yesterday :)


I'm glad you are having fun :D is it you first visit to the UK 2crowded? What do you think of the UK so far?

First time to the UK....first time anywhere outside of America....liking it so far..been here little over two weeks so far..getting used to it little by little...miss amy is taking good care of me...making sure I dont get run over by traffic....she has grabbed me by arm several times & probably saved me from death by speeding car lol.....almost used to th traffic being on oppisite side of road now....but still find myself going to get in wrong side of miss amys car every so often :)

Yeah it's the same when i go to another country :lol:


Well-known member
Hmm, the only decent picture of me is one with my shirt off, don't think that is appropriate to post, so I guess I'll remain in obscurity here till I have another decent pic of me.
NightTimeForever said:
Hmm, the only decent picture of me is one with my shirt off, don't think that is appropriate to post, so I guess I'll remain in obscurity here till I have another decent pic of me.

SO lol...we don't mind hahaha!!


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
Here's a picture of me. I really don't like it at all so I'm sure I'll change my mind and delete it soon. But well....

This is an amazing photograph. I think you have a real and genuine beauty...amazing eyes too. It's good to capture yourself on film like this. Photographs are great to look at when you get older. Take as many as you can and treasure them. I was always posing for the camera when I was in my teens. I really was incredibly vain...and I used so much hairspray I think I was single handedly responsible for destroying the ozone layer!

Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to show you a few of them...and if they don't cheer everyone up, I don't know what will :D


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
wow thanks a lot :D. It'd be great to see some of you.

Your wish is my command.

EDIT: I have decided to take these pictures down for personal reasons. I may put some up in the future. Consider them to be like comets across the night sky. They appear very rarely and you have to catch them while you can!


Well-known member
I'm starting to really enjoy posting pix of myself. this is like my 4th time doing it on this threat.


This is me and my only true friend, my sister. I really do look ugly in this pic, be honest.


This is me at Projekt Revolution 08


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
I like your photograph too. You do have nice hair. :)

The one below is more recent.

EDIT: I have decided to take these pictures down for personal reasons. I may put some up in the future. Consider them to be like comets across the night sky. They appear very rarely and you have to catch them while you can!


Well-known member
^^ cool gadget (nokia thingie). what is it?

Yves said:
thats me in the middle :)
you are gorgeous! you should post more pictures.

everyone looks good! its a wonder how you all have sa :?