Post your picture thread


Well-known member
ces4r87 said:


These were taken about 3 months apart from each other.

Which hair style fits me better?

your hair in the last picture, I think :)


Well-known member
x000x said:
dpr said:
x000x said:
Thanx for posting the pic of ur guitar. It looks really awesome and I bet it sounds good too. How long have you been playing guitar for?

I might be getting a twelve string acoustic in a few months. It's not going to be anything fancy though.

I've been playing for approx. 15 years. What about you?

Strangely enough my first ever guitar, the one that I did the most learning on, was a Yamaki 12-string. What a bitch to tune, especially as a beginner. Never heard of Yamaki since. One day I was playing it and the neck came off! lol... needless to say, don't go for a Yamaki

I've been playing for about 3 and a half years. My first guitar was a Les Paul Epiphone special II. Now I have a fender strat and maybe soon i'll have a 12 string acoustic. :D

cool, i like epiphones acutally, i still use one for recording sometimes. what kind of stuff do you play? i play lots of different style but for now concentrating on classical for the most part. do you have anything online of you playing? like on youtube or whatever?

fender strat... nice


kuhtreen said:
kuhtreen said:

YAY I'm intermediate now haha
Is it lame that I'm actually really excited about that? :D

Awrr thats a really nice photo.Your hair is gorgeous and it must like be half way down your back if not more,You look really different compared to your avatar piccy aswell.

lol if its lame im deffo on that bandwagon i cant wait till I get to 1000 :D


Well-known member
recluse said:
miss_amy said:
Having great time here with 2Crowded visiting me in UK. Its really nice finally having a friend, someone to tackle facing the outside world with who understands how it is.

Anyways, heres us.


and 2Crowded on our walk yesterday :)


I'm glad you are having fun :D is it you first visit to the UK 2crowded? What do you think of the UK so far?

First time to the UK....first time anywhere outside of America....liking it so far..been here little over two weeks so far..getting used to it little by little...miss amy is taking good care of me...making sure I dont get run over by traffic....she has grabbed me by arm several times & probably saved me from death by speeding car lol.....almost used to th traffic being on oppisite side of road now....but still find myself going to get in wrong side of miss amys car every so often :)