Post your favourite music


Love that song,I think some people dont realize how deep Eminem can get and just see his offensive side.

I am not a fan of rap or hiphop but i love Eminem and 2pac, their lyrics are beautiful and very deep. They talk about things that are important and true.
You can hear Eminems feelings through his music.


I don't think I have to state the obvious about liking 2pac considering my avatar lol,you have good taste! :D And yeah most rap is just as crap as the other commercial stuff out there,and that's what makes Em and Pac stand out,that they touched on deeper subjects then women,cars ect

I mean how many rappers do songs like this these days

YouTube - 2pac - Dear mama


Well-known member
2pac's music is good because it presents more important subjects than beeing a wannabe gangster, driving an Escalade and repeating the mother-effer-word in every sentence.


Well-known member
Yeah, I hate the rap music that we keep hearing in the media. I don't care that you're a gangster and you have money and you like to party, shoot people and watch girls shake their booty! And their lyrics are lame. I like some Eminem songs though.


Well-known member
I just learned that one of my favorite arists, Nujabes, passed away last February in a car accident. I feel so sad now, I'm gonna miss his music so much. He was a Hip-Hop producer and DJ and although he wasn't famous because his music didn't fit with the mainstream, he was loved by fans all over the world. Some even say he was the best hip-hop producer of his time.

Music by Nujabes, vocals by Shing02.

YouTube - Shing02 - Luv (sic) part 2