Post your favourite music


i clearly remember the first cassette i got, because i only got cassettes of things my mom didn't want me to have, they were cheaper and easier to hide. my mom eventually found this and threw it out but by that time Napster was in it's prime and i simply downloaded my favorite the whole album...i typically can't stand rap...but that was a great ****en album...
Eminem - My Name Is - YouTube
Dogma - Alanis Morissette Is God - YouTube

when i first saw this movie i didn't know about this and i nearly **** my pants during this scene and was yelling at my friend ITS ALANIS ITS ALANIS! good times...

I love that movie! Alanis as god is one of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life. And it's not just because it's Alanis Morissette ca. Jagged Little Pill as god. She was actually very funny without ever saying a word. (I do think she said "eep" once, though. :))

I discovered this song while playing Guitar Hero. It's strange, but fun to play.
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Michael Jackson - Billie Jean - YouTube

I got no kids so it ain't a big deal for me to "allegedly" sacrifice the innocence of a couple kids in exchange for a few decades of epic dance rockin out to billie jean right now...*can't type while spinning on my heal, or while grabbing my junk* :cool: honestly though ladies...if a guy can dance like michael....tell me you aren't gonna give him some? if you say no you lying...