Plucked up the courage to message her on FB...


New member
Hey guys,

Can i trouble you for some advice...... I messaged this girl i've liked for over a year on fb last night, we haven't met before and have no friends in common, I saw a post she had liked on a fan page and her profile picture caught my eye, which is a bit weird i admit, i didn't tell her that though, to her it just looks like a randomer has messaged her.

Anyways i messaged her, just a general 'hi' kind of thing at 10pm last night, she saw it at 10.50pm......Still no response. Is it a massive no no to send another message in a couple of days/weeks?

I know i should take her not replying as an big indication shes not interested, but i know if she would give me a shot and let me take her for a drink, we'd get on really well. I wouldn't message her more than twice!!

What do you guys think, cut my losses or keep trying?
Has anyone been in a similar situation?


Well-known member
I have been in a similiar situation although the girl in question I used to see at work and we had glances although she didn't know me.

I dithered whether to send a friends request or message her with an excuse etc. I did the former and she ignored my request but luckily I don't see her around.

Another one, we had a mutual friend in common. I didn't add her on FB but she was on Twitter and I followed her. She doesn't seem to want unknown followers so she unfollowed me from her account and blocked me. But again, I don't see her around. But she's beautiful but judging from her account, she seems to have unblocked me so it might be, more likely, she was feeling generous!

Fact you have no mutual friends might make it difficult. I'd try to gage if you have any mutual interests and try to use that to begin a conversation


I've found that if you're pursuing someone based purely on the way they look, then chances are they've already got 10s if not hundreds of guys doing the same thing, and at least some of them will have the confidence to approach them in real life (among other highly sought-after qualities).

I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's going to be an uphill battle and you're going to have to do a lot more than just sending her a message through facebook... and also you're going to have to not be too creepy about it.

Good luck!


New member
Thanks for the reply guys.

Silentandshy, i'm sorry it didn't work out for you with the two girls, i'm not holding much hope for this one either if im being honest :(

Odo, you're right, it really is hard to message someone you don't know without sounding creepy, should have said something more inventive than 'you're beautiful', i thought that would be a good way to her replying and then i could ask her something else. I really just want to take her out!


Well-known member
Thanks for the reply guys.

Silentandshy, i'm sorry it didn't work out for you with the two girls, i'm not holding much hope for this one either if im being honest :(

Odo, you're right, it really is hard to message someone you don't know without sounding creepy, should have said something more inventive than 'you're beautiful', i thought that would be a good way to her replying and then i could ask her something else. I really just want to take her out!

I'd say go ahead and message her again, just don't sound desperate. You're doing her a favor. ;)

If she ignores/says no. Fine, you don't even know her, you haven't lost anything. No big deal.
Facebook messages from non-friends get hidden in an obscure spot where people may not spot them for months. At any rate most people don't like messages from randoms so would delete it.


Well-known member
Find a way to meet her, physically. It's easy for girls to ignore messages on FB, block you on Twitter, etc.


Super Moderator
should have said something more inventive than 'you're beautiful', i thought that would be a good way to her replying and then i could ask her something else.

Some girls don't like to be told that by random guys because it makes it really obvious that they intend something. Besides, is that the only thing that came to your mind when you saw her? Her looks? Come on, man... there's more to people than just their looks.


not actually Fiona Apple
I saw a post she had liked on a fan page and her profile picture caught my eye, which is a bit weird i admit, i didn't tell her that though, to her it just looks like a randomer has messaged her.

Why not just go with that? I think it's better to have some idea where you are coming from than some random internet fellow she doesn't know. I feel like something like this is a longshot to begin with (I mean even on dating sites the reply rates are extremely low, let alone a facebook type place), so some sort of risk or thing to catch her eye may help. Maybe send a friend request +message stating why?


Well-known member
I know someone who's been in this situation, only they were the girl not the messenger... I'm sorry, but a lot of people may feel uncomfortable being messaged by a stranger.. Good on you for having the courage to do it, but still..
I have done that a couple of times..they ended with mixed results. But I've only messaged girls I have met before and have talked to.

One girl I've messaged randomly, I've seen her around school and met her at a party. She ended up adding me. But we never really talked so eventually, she deleted me.

Another girl, I met her at a bar and we danced. She seemed into me so I messaged her on facebook. I ended up asking her to hang out and then we went from there. She eventually became my gf for a short while.

The last girl I messaged on fb out of the blue was someone I've met a couple of times at a bar. We talked and introduced each other. A few weeks later, I messaged her on fb to see if she remembers me. She didn't reply so I just moved on.

As for your situation, to be honest, it does seem like a long shot with no mutual friends or something. Who knows, maybe she'll eventually reply. She could just be busy or simply uninterested. It was good you had the courage to try though. You might find luck with other girls perhaps.


Well-known member
>haven't met
>in love with girl on fb based on looks

Son you need to work on other aspects of yourself before you consider getting in a relaitonship